Archived Telling someone you can do a better job than them....

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"Can you go to 3, please?" *Turns off walkie*
Nov 19, 2012
So, how do I tell someone that I could do the job better than them without being rude?

Backstory: Our electronics TL was put in charge of instocks for some reason, therefore he has delegated most of his responsibilities away. We have someone who focuses on MMB and supposedly someone who is supposed to keep up on toys/sporting goods. Seasonal is also in his block, but that's just a crap shoot. There are "significant opportunities" in the video game aisles. Stuff is flexed beyond recognition. Labels don't even match up anymore. When I set ad over there I just put the signs wherever I see the game and don't bother looking for the actual location. There are holes everywhere. It's just a mess and since everything is locked up it looks clean from the racetrack.

I kinda want to go in there and take ownership of those aisles, but my plate is full already. I wouldn't mind getting the ball rolling by getting it set up for success and handing it off either. The TL keeps whining about AAR, yet one of his biggest opportunities for attachments is full of holes.

Honestly, I shouldn't give a shit since I don't work back there...but once a week I wind up in those aisles and get all OCD twitchy about it.
"Hey, I notice you have a lot on your plate. Would you mind if I took a few hours to give these aisles a through once-over for a few days to get them straightened out? I think it could help you and your team with AAR and will set you up for success going into holiday rush."
I was wandering if Target mails your pay stubs or something. I was wandering because with my first paycheck the pay stub came with it so I could see how many hours I worked and the taxes taken out. But now I have direct deposit so how do i get my pay-stub ?
I was wandering if Target mails your pay stubs or something. I was wandering because with my first paycheck the pay stub came with it so I could see how many hours I worked and the taxes taken out. But now I have direct deposit so how do i get my pay-stub ?
Get out of here with your off-topicness.

TO THE OP- You never know you can do their job better then them until you are in their shoes. If I was in your position, I would just let him know that the video game aisles needs to be zoned better to planogram because it is hindering the ad-setup. Then let him know that you would be willing to assist.
I was wandering if Target mails your pay stubs or something. I was wandering because with my first paycheck the pay stub came with it so I could see how many hours I worked and the taxes taken out. But now I have direct deposit so how do i get my pay-stub ?

You get it in-store the same way you got your check.

OP: When in doubt, take the initiative and go for it.
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