Archived The interview process

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"Can you go to 3, please?" *Turns off walkie*
Nov 19, 2012
I don't know if this is the same in other stores but it seems like there is a gap in communicating to TLs that they have interviews to conduct. When I was covering operator there was always calls by applicants asking why they hadn't got their call yet.

Reminds me of the first day after I transferred from a Sams to Walmart:

HR: Is your interview training up to date?
Me: I think so... *checks training list* Yeah.
HR: Great. Can you do these 2nd interviews?

(I had only done one 1st interview since I came from a club with low turnover and 2nd interviews are with salaried management. Support is hourly, but with the management headaches)

Me: Sure.

I turned the first guy down, using the line "if we decide to move forward with you, we'll call". They called him back for the 3rd because I was "too critical" and "he is just stocking shelves". They hired him for MY team. He did not work out.
They need to be more critical. I'm tired of pulling the load for those who feel put off because they are expected to work for a paycheck. And how much 'training" time was wasted by you in dealing with this guy?
More critical and more honest.
Tell the people what kind of hours they are going to be getting, tell them what they are going to be doing and what the work is actually like, don’t sugar coat it.

Sure it might be harder to find people but the ones you do get are more likely to stick around.
We just had a huge crop of new redshirts come through orientation and they're training now. I'm particularly annoyed with the cart attendants. That job actually requires a fairly high amount of skill to do well. Both of our new recruits are going to require copious babysitting and one of them will probably not be capable of doing much more than pushing carts. As a GSA the last thing I need to be spending time on is micromanaging the CAs. How can I be constantly harassing my cashiers about red cards when I'm busy cleaning up spills and loading furniture into guest's cars?! ;-)
We just had a huge crop of new redshirts come through orientation and they're training now. I'm particularly annoyed with the cart attendants. That job actually requires a fairly high amount of skill to do well. Both of our new recruits are going to require copious babysitting and one of them will probably not be capable of doing much more than pushing carts. As a GSA the last thing I need to be spending time on is micromanaging the CAs. How can I be constantly harassing my cashiers about red cards when I'm busy cleaning up spills and loading furniture into guest's cars?! ;-)

At my store we had a CA who was actually in a fairly successful pirate metal band.
They knew he was spending a fair amount of time setting up gigs and such when he was out in the parking lot, they even scheduled him around his shows.
Why, because he was amazing at the job.
Need a carry out?
He's standing at your elbow.
Major ice storm on the weekend, he knows where the ice melt is and the cart rack is full.
Got a spill?
First call, and he's got cones up.
Need someone on register?
Maybe not, he's good at it but scares some of the customers.
We just had a huge crop of new redshirts come through orientation and they're training now. I'm particularly annoyed with the cart attendants. That job actually requires a fairly high amount of skill to do well. Both of our new recruits are going to require copious babysitting and one of them will probably not be capable of doing much more than pushing carts. As a GSA the last thing I need to be spending time on is micromanaging the CAs. How can I be constantly harassing my cashiers about red cards when I'm busy cleaning up spills and loading furniture into guest's cars?! ;-)

Sounds like my store EVERY YEAR during the holidays. Good seasonal cart attendants are apparently few and far between in these parts.
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