MEGATHREAD The On-Demand Team Member (ODTM) Thread

Which clearly states 6 months for students.

I just called the number tmsc/hr in HLM's sig line and the woman I spoke with said that they took the 6 month thing away. I think that was dumb on target's part
HROC isn't very smart either sadly.
Log into Workbench on your store computer and call HROC and read them verbatim what Workbench says. They'll change their story quick.

I swear they're just as bad as the store HR sometimes. They're hit or miss.
Under what circumstances is a TM allowed to go OD? Is it just for college? I do wish they kept the 6 month rule for college kids. According to my HR, the college kids who will be away now have to put in their 2 week notice. I feel like they won't be back for Xmas or next summer because of that.
How I interpreted the email, for ODTM -1 shift every 4 weeks but for those that have other circumstances can get the time frame extended... school, caregiver, family medical etc. not just for students. Had an ODTM that became the family caregiver in our store out for almost 8 months.
This benefit is becoming more popular and I wanted to get a single point to discuss and answer questions about the position.

Here's the skinny.

An On-Demand Team Member (will appear on the grid as "ODTM") is a Team Member who is no longer regularly scheduled and instead accepts a "stand-by" or "on-call" sort of position. The following attributes will happen for ODTMs.
  • The ODTM will not be put on the schedule automatically — the ETL or TL will not schedule the ODTM like they do other Team Members.
  • ODTMs must select at least one secondary work center in addition to their primary work center, from which they will be able to view open shifts (ODTMs can only "officially" pick up shifts from these work centers, but they can arrange to come in for any work center shift by talking to their Leadership).
  • A new app called "myTime", which replaced UKG Workforce ("Kronos"), will show open shifts from the two work centers, which the ODTM can pick up.
  • ODTMs can also cover shifts for other Team Members, reach out to Leadership for available hours, or accept offers when the store calls for help.
On Demand Team Member job codes (your primary job as ODTM) include:
  • OD Guest Advocate (cashier/FOS Attendant/Guest Service)
  • OD General Merchandise Expert (hardlines)
  • OD Fulfillment Expert (OPU/SFS)
  • OD Style Consultant (softlines/A&A)
  • OD Food & Beverage Expert (dry grocery & MDF)
  • for Small Format stores only: OD Small Format TM
The ODTM role is not guaranteed — stores only convert TMs in good standing (not on CCA, for example) to ODTM and the store is capped at having only 10% or less of its total number of non-exempt Team Members (including TLs, although they're not eligible for On Demand roles) as On Demand. Consequently, stores may be unable to convert interested full-time/regular TMs into ODTMs.

A few "catches" or "terms and conditions" that come along with this:
  • The ODTM should provide a general availability of when they are most likely to be available to pick up shifts to prevent the store from reaching out when they're not generally available — since in myTime, an ODTM's availability will show "unavailable" 24x7 to prevent automatic scheduling by the software.
  • The ODTM must work at least a continuous 4-hour shift every 4 weeks* to remain employed (e.g. working two 3-hour shifts in one 4-week* period will not meet this requirement — it must be a continuous 4 hours clocked in).
  • ODTMs who do not work the required 4-hours every 4 weeks* may automatically be terminated.
  • ODTMs who pick up shifts via any method (accepting them in myTime, agreeing to cover a shift, accepting an offer to come in) which will cause them to be placed on the schedule for that shift, will be held accountable to that shift — tardiness, absence, or leaving early to/from these shifts may result in the typical disciplinary action for attendance, up to and including termination.
  • ODTMs can work a maximum of 40 hours per week — no overtime.
* = as of July 2021, for college students only, the minimum work requirement window was extended from one 4-hour shift every 4 weeks to every 6 months to accommodate the elimination of the Educational Leave of Absence (ELOA), as college students will be encouraged to adopt this role and many attend school far from their home store, making working every 4 weeks impossible.
Furthermore, if a non-college student ODTM cannot work every 4 weeks, HR may grant flexibility, so long as the ODTM maintains good communication with the store and responds to reach-outs for shifts.
* = also, as of February 12, 2023, the one-shift-every-6-weeks requirement will be lessened to one shift every 4 weeks; as before, if the ODTM cannot work every 4 weeks, they should communicate constantly with the store to avoid automatic termination.

As far as benefits are concerned:
  • ODTMs will keep their Team Member Discount as long as they continue to be actively employed by Target.
  • Employment benefits, including health benefits, Team Member Life Resources, 401K, and others will be kept from the time they go from regular Team Member to ODTM, and will be assessed for health benefits after 12 months based on hours worked as an ODTM.
  • ODTMs will no longer accrue vacation pay (but may use any accrued hours until balance reaches zero).
  • ODTMs will no longer be eligible for personal or educational leaves of absence (except when and where required by law).
  • ODTMs will not receive a yearly performance review but will continue to be eligible to receive a base pay increase yearly.
Special considerations for certain jurisdictions:
  • Stores in Philadelphia, PA; San Francisco, CA; Los Angeles, CA; and Seattle, WA will not participate in the ODTM program due to local laws regarding scheduling.
  • Oregon stores must schedule ODTMs at least one shift per month to comply with the Oregon Predictive Scheduling Bill, and can pick up shifts voluntarily. Additionally, Oregon ODTMs must elect to be (a) on or (b) not on a "voluntary standby list" — stores cannot reach out with shift offers, via email, phone, or text, to ODTMs who opted not to be on the voluntary standby list.
What happenes if you've tried to communicate that every 4 weeks doesn't work for your schedule as a teacher and hr wants you to still do every 4 weeks? Are they supposed to work with you?
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What happenes if you've tried to communicate that every 4 weeks doesn't work for your schedule as a teacher and hr wants you to still do every 4 weeks? Are they supposed to work with you?
The 4 week thing is the standard. It's up to each store how flexible they want to be beyond that, depending on each TM's situation. They can work with you, they don't have to. If they want you out, this is the easiest way.
Why do you want to stay if you aren't working?
That sweet sweet 10%
My last shift was in July. In the ensuing months I've had a couple short vacations, a COVID infection, kids starting school (including the oldest starting high school/sports) and I haven't had the time or energy to work a shift. Now our weeknight closing TM moved to another store and I really don't wanna. If they call me I'll answer, but otherwise I'll chill out until then.

That discount tho. My oldest (who is moving into adult sizes) really likes the All in Motion stuff and the wellness discount is WEP.
Question- I was a regular TM and then went on demand for a while. I stopped picking up shifts and ending up getting auto-termed. (This was over a year ago now). Would that make me not rehireable?
Do other ODTMs have issues being scheduled shifts you did not agree to or pick up on the app?

I got an email on 10/10 asking for availability for the end of October and then also for Black Friday weekend and the following week. I gave them time for the end of October (which they didn't schedule me for any shifts) and then Black Friday and Saturday. I was scheduled for the Black Friday and Saturday, but I then was looking at the next week and saw I was scheduled for for Sunday 11/26 and Saturday 12/2. I specifically didn't put those days down on the email due to prior commitments. This isn't the first time they have scheduled me on their own and I am just annoyed. I did email HR to be taken off the schedule for those days, but I hate having to be that person who complains about it when it shouldn't have happened in the first place.
There are still a ton in my store, including me. Even though people are coded as ODTM, management still tries to encourage those that are looking for 20+ hours a week to get a set schedule. If you do, you can then at any time ask to be released from that schedule and go back to picking up what you want. I typically take off 4-8 weeks during the summer and a few other vacations in April, May and September. So from November to the end of March I have a set schedule and then in April through October I pick up what I want to pick up from what is available.
Still an ODTM. Haven't had a shift since Christmas Eve. Waiting for the 'sign up for a shift or we'll terminate you' email.

I expected to get pulled in before Easter, as that's usually stupid busy at my store, but I've heard nothing other than we get a 2% pay bump. I'm hanging out and still using my discount until they tell me I need to come in. *shrug*
Still an ODTM. Haven't had a shift since Christmas Eve. Waiting for the 'sign up for a shift or we'll terminate you' email.

I expected to get pulled in before Easter, as that's usually stupid busy at my store, but I've heard nothing other than we get a 2% pay bump. I'm hanging out and still using my discount until they tell me I need to come in. *shrug*

You have until late June until you get auto-termed anyways. Might as well keep holding out until June and just pick up a short 4 hr shift when the time gets close.
Anyone know if I can transfer on demand? Been at Target for 4 years and in an on demand position for 3 now. In school, and pick up shifts every week. Super convenient for me. Talked to my HR and she is going to email some stores for me. Should I call these stores too to give them a heads up? Is there a certain amount of on demand team members that each store can take?
Anyone know if I can transfer on demand? Been at Target for 4 years and in an on demand position for 3 now. In school, and pick up shifts every week. Super convenient for me. Talked to my HR and she is going to email some stores for me. Should I call these stores too to give them a heads up? Is there a certain amount of on demand team members that each store can take?
Yes you should be able to transfer assuming you're still in good standing.
You shouldn't need to contact the new store yourself. Just follow up regularly with your own HR.
Yes there's generally an acceptable limit percentage of OD TMs a store can have.
Anyone know if I can transfer on demand? Been at Target for 4 years and in an on demand position for 3 now. In school, and pick up shifts every week. Super convenient for me. Talked to my HR and she is going to email some stores for me. Should I call these stores too to give them a heads up? Is there a certain amount of on demand team members that each store can take?
Call them yourself. I waited and waited for my hr to get in touch with the store I wanted to go to and nothing came of it. Called the store myself and they wanted me asap.