Archived the regulars and season employees

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Oct 11, 2016
in your stores spec the hardlines and softlines areas how do the reg treat the seasonal employees? in my store most of the seasonals are older employees and the young regulars treat like them crap bossing them around and totally ignore them when they are in the breakroom...
We tend to get university students as seasonal, as we are the closest store to our local university. We get along well. We have pretty high turnover rates because sometimes students graduate or move out of state to continue school, so regulars always try to find out which seasonal team members are looking not to move and to stay for a longer time and then help guide them to being recognized by leadership. It happened when I started off seasonally and now I am part of the process. It's pretty awesome!
tbh i ignore all the seasonals but thats because i aint got no time to be friendly with them i got shit to do if they say hi imma be like hi but i aint gonna shoot the shit w them

also talking to new people stresses me out in general so im not gonna stress myself out with someone who will be here for a couple months
We had our hiring event while kids were away at school so we ended up with no college seasonals. Older ladies for softlines and teenage boys for hardlines.

Its going okay. Seasonals have to deal with three types.

A) Helpful people who just want to get their work done and dont mind answering a few questions.

B) People upset the seasonals are taking hours because they cant get up to 40 so they talk mess in the breakroom.

C) Jaded old timers who know most seasonals wont last so they feel like training them is a waste of time and give them the n00b treatment.

Most of our TMs fall into column A but we have a few Bs and Cs as well.
Are they bossing them around or trying to help them do the job correctly? I have no problem telling a seasonal or any new hire if they should be doing something differently.

And ignoring them in the break room? Is this high school or something? Sit where you want and strike up a conversation with people. Some people have their preferred seats and some people like to eat or rest in peace without having to talk about work.
I kind of have to be friendly with all of them if I'm going to get them to do what I need them to do from an AP standpoint. I try to be nice to them all and offer a polite casual conversation in the break room if I see them. Generally we get a mix of high school kids, college kids, and older adults looking for Christmas money.
Me and the other APSs at my store usually try to make it to orientations or huddles to introduce ourselves so they know who we are, what we do, and what we expect.
Worked Saturday and realized that out of 10 cashiers working I only knew 3-4 of them by name. Made it a challenge when I covered the GSTL's lunch break - had no clue who to send on a 15. Had to go lane by lane and ask them their name. I suck at remembering names anyway so I'll probably not remember any of them next time I work with them. Luckily I saw a ton of name tags by the time clock so hopefully most of them will have an actual name tag on and not the "new team member" one.
I make them kneel when I walk by. They love it.


The guests think it's kinda strange...
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Frankly I prefer to treat seasonal team members the same way I would as a regular one. Even if they're only there for a short time, I'd like to help them develop habits and a mindset that would be beneficial to them and those they come into contact with beyond Spot.

Not only do I like to teach them any and every area that I know from the bare bones, but even the little niches and tricks of that area. You never know if they'll be in a situation where they're going to somehow be on their own without help, may as well arm them with as much knowledge as they can contain so they can be a more valuable asset to the team and perhaps a better version of themselves in the long run.

Don't be a bitter and jaded prick, lighten up, and be a good example. That's my philosophy. /rant
As for hardlines at my store, none of the seasonal people made it to Thanksgiving. The rest of the store- Do I know their names? Eh no. However if I come into contact I treat them as if they were regulars. I answer their questions and ask them questions. Better to treat people the way you would want to be treated.
I mean I don't go out of my way to learn names (I don't even know most of the regular cashiers. If I'm not always working with someone, I won't remember their names lol), but I will try to make small talk if I'm working near someone. I will try to show them the correct way to do things as well, if I see them doing the wrong thing.
Some of our seasonal cashiers are wayyyy better than our regular ones. As for Hardlines we only have one that should definitely stay. Backroom, they all suck, and flow has a few decent ones. We have two new people for electronics seasonal and they are terrible as well. All in all, not great but we do have a few that I hope stay. But that being said the regulars don't treat seasonals like crap. We tend to help them out as much as they need it, since helping them is helping us in the long run.
I call them rookies.

I do help them as much as possible and treat them with respect.

Of course once they think they're better than everyone I shut that shit down quick. Yea, guess who's the best now, bitch!
I generally don't care who's seasonal and who's full. Long as you do what you're job is, are a decent person, and don't fucking annoy me on my break, I'll accept you as an okay employee. I'm still new so I can't really control the scene yet but I try to set an example of an acceptable worker.
I try to be friendly to them but it seems like a wasted effort when some of them will quit, get fired, and half of the remaining will be let go 2 months.
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Whether they are new or not, they are there more than likely because they need to, rather than want to (like all of us if we had Greener Pastures I doubt we would all be here). I have no problem answering questions and helping them out, and joking around with them. We did have one Seasonal once who repeatedly asked not just me, but my fellow TMs the exact same questions to get help with...

We ended up finding out that he was taking all of his breaks with a bottle of vodka in his car. Weird part is there is not one thing about that guy that screamed "Plastered-constantly".
I do go out of my way to be friendly and helpful. Fff attitude is one of my consistent opportunities, so it's a win/ win. We are a family and we've lost a team member who was newer and many people had never even said hi in the months she worked with us. I don't ever want to have to say that.
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