The store i work at...

Our store is getting more strict on call outs and tardyness. If they see a trend, your going to be replaced in your area, move to a smaller dept with less hours because your unreliable.
Pretty much this, I did exactly this during my first year and my shift leaders scheduled me only 4 hours...
At least until no one wanted to stay after the truck unloads...
7 years 2 call-offs one actually sick one for car trouble. Short medical procedure leave. (10 days). I enjoyed working at Target until things changed, shit-bag new T/L.
Yeah if I saw this paper at work I'd go "yeah and sh*t like this is why the callout problem is only going to get worse"

They schedule like sh*t and push more and more onto the people that are there. People are cracking under the pressure. So they call out or quit and nothing gets better.

Also I think more team members are getting 2nd jobs more than ever this year, Target is on the bottom of the totem pole as far as priority.
I wonder if they have thought about giving people regular hours, paying them more, and not making their job a living hell?
Nah, just hire more.
I changed my required start time to not before 2:00 PM because I got tired of being of have different daily start times.

Also it seems our store is has the attitude of having minimum staffing levels in the departments regardless of whether those TMs do anything.
I changed my required start time to not before 2:00 PM because I got tired of being of have different daily start times.

Also it seems our store is has the attitude of having minimum staffing levels in the departments regardless of whether those TMs do anything.
Changed mine to afternoon starts too. I usually close but last year out of the blue I started getting randomly scheduled for 8 am shifts. Luckily I was able to give them away, then promptly changed my availability.
Consequences? You mean free ice cream in the break room on busy days?
This is the problem. There are no consequences.
When covid was running rampant and so many people were getting sick, plus SFS and OPU orders were off the charts, things really changed and I think my store was glad just to have warm bodies. Even though covid is no longer the issue it was, things have not changed back. Multiple times calling off? Showing up a little late for every shift? No big deal, so they keep doing it. And it's making those of us who do show up consistently a little nuts. Although I'll confess that I don't mind taking some of their hours and having a nicer paycheck myself.
This is the problem. There are no consequences.
When covid was running rampant and so many people were getting sick, plus SFS and OPU orders were off the charts, things really changed and I think my store was glad just to have warm bodies. Even though covid is no longer the issue it was, things have not changed back. Multiple times calling off? Showing up a little late for every shift? No big deal, so they keep doing it. And it's making those of us who do show up consistently a little nuts. Although I'll confess that I don't mind taking some of their hours and having a nicer paycheck myself.
Oh no, our issue goes back a decade... once they were having a drawing for a 65" TV/ Everyone started with an entry, if you called out or were late you werre out of the drawing. Within a week it was down to me and 2 other employees. They cancelled the drawing because none of us where liked employees...
Oh no, our issue goes back a decade... once they were having a drawing for a 65" TV/ Everyone started with an entry, if you called out or were late you werre out of the drawing. Within a week it was down to me and 2 other employees. They cancelled the drawing because none of us where liked employees...
Lol. Sad tho. Sounds like our " raffle"
But as the abpve sign showz, they arent giving the more reliable people more hours, they are bring in more, splitting the pot between more people
No, we're not being scheduled for more hours but we're the ones who, if able and interested, are picking up more hours on the fly. Just yesterday, I was asked to stay late and help with an area where the TM had called off on Wednesday and again (or maybe a different TM) yesterday. A couple other reliable TMs pitched in too, past their scheduled out times.
No, we're not being scheduled for more hours but we're the ones who, if able and interested, are picking up more hours on the fly. Just yesterday, I was asked to stay late and help with an area where the TM had called off on Wednesday and again (or maybe a different TM) yesterday. A couple other reliable TMs pitched in too, past their scheduled out times.
That option isn't available if you work later in the day and up until close.

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