The strange /u/BrianCornell reddit account.

May 30, 2018
I was viewing Reddit and saw a strange Q2 infographic posted by none other than a user called BrianCornell. I was immediately skeptical, but looking over their content makes me believe this is either him or someone playing a very long joke. (And for what point?)
Now most of their comments are very vague, and they even reply to some hate, but one, which looks to have been removed says: (about Bullseye Shop)
We are currently rebuilding the site as we have partnered with Mosquito, Inc. (and transitioning off from Taylor Communications) to run our site, so it's undergoing some redesign both online and the merchandise soon to be available.
Now I have no idea who else would know that kind of information other than Brian Cornell, but I find it funny if it is him he is somewhat active on Reddit.
CEOs of major companies generally have better things to do than post on Reddit. I'm guessing it's just somebody pretending to be him, for whatever reason.
Troll. Can't believe Brian Cornell would use so many emoticons.
I feel like an out of touch CEO would. Lmao
CEOs of major companies generally have better things to do than post on Reddit. I'm guessing it's just somebody pretending to be him, for whatever reason.
But like I said what could possibly be the reason? They have been posting for 5 months.
Funny this is going on while we're going through chats at my store warning that TMs can be held responsible for social media posts including anything posted during off times.
My DSD posts a ton of Trump stuff on Twitter, so I don't think they could really talk to us, lol