Archived The Target Workout

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SFS/OPU Master
Oct 7, 2015
I don't have my FitBit yet, but my iPhone records my steps and miles and stuff. It's my third day, post-orientation and well, second day outside cashier training and man, do I put some mileage on myself. My first day on hardlines (morning shift, 4 hours), I recorded 11k steps, 6 miles. Second day on hardlines (closing shift, 6.5 hours), 21k steps, 11miles. I don't think I need to go to the gym anymore.
Spot is a real good workout dependant on work center. First few days I had about 16K steps, one day was 19K. If you're backroom lifting cases of gallon water or ridiculous furniture, there's your gym workout, and you're paid for it.

Did I mention I've lost something like 30 LBS since I started?
Its true, working backroom and instocks I've lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of muscle. My average four hour and a half hour shift on instocks I get about seven miles. I work usually two days where I'm instocks in the morning and backroom in the afternoon and I get anywhere from 14-16 miles.
As a GSA (& speedweaving during rush), I clocked in quite a few miles during an 8 hr shift.
All part of the Target Fitness program.
I've found the iPhone health app to have a pretty huge discrepancy with the fitbit app. I can clock like 18k steps on the iPhone and only like 10k on the fitbit.
I have the fitbit that goes my wrist, and the free wireless tracker. i will have a 3,o00-4,000 step discrepancy on most days. sometimes the tracker has more, and sometimes the one on my wrist has more. they are pretty inconsistent
watch what you eat, our flow TMs are still overweight, cause they all eat junk food and pizza.
This! When I first started, I did mostly closing shifts and would be so hungry when I got off work and would eat whatever and then go to bed. I gained like 10-15lbs in 6 months. I thought since I was working so hard, I could eat what I wanted. Getting a fitbit a few months ago, plus tracking my food on myfitnesspal has really helped. I'm back down to my normal weight. The fitbit really helped me to see how much work I was really doing versus what I thought I was doing.
We have a flow guy that has to be at least 400 lbs and always smells. I can smell him from across the counter when I wait on him at FA. I don't know how his other TM can stand being around him...
I walk about 120K steps a week, or 60 miles a week. Target really fixed my not being active problem I had before.
watch what you eat, our flow TMs are still overweight, cause they all eat junk food and pizza.

I used to eat like this, until I decided that low energy and being groggy all the time wasn't right for my body.
Now, I'm clean eating (mostly), taking Multi-vitamins, and exercising by jogging.

Target is boosting my activity, but I need to supplement it with exercise outside too.
I actually had a relative (whom I barely know and didn't recognise when they came in my lane...oops) tell me that I can finally start losing weight due to my job....and I just looked at her like "...but I'm... a cashier"

I pack on a whopping 1-2k steps during an 8 hour shift as cashier
After a few months of working flow I got to see my long-distance girlfriend and her response was pretty much "you actually have muscles now." Flow's a hell of a workout if you're in a position that involves a lot of lifting and moving. Nothing like pulling "team lift" furniture off the line or having to stack a dozen cases of gallon water. Depends on where you are though; spending your whole shift pushing HBA isn't going to do much compared to "we need to be out of grocery in twenty minutes move move move."

Though now I think I've plateaued and probably need to shape up my diet and probably spend some gym time to get more results.
I started last October. Between October-January, working sales floor, I lost almost 50 pounds. Since moving between back room and sales floor, I have lost another 10. I am always hungry after a 8 hour shift. The most steps I have clocked was last Saturday. I work from 9am-Close. I worked back room and market. I clocked in around 31,000 miles that. It is crazy the amount of walking a person can do daily.

Wow let's see 31,000 miles divided by 21.6 miles (one marathon) = 1,435 marathons. I know you could win the NY marathon or Boston marathon I'm signing you up.
This is a screenshot from my Apple Watch from today. If you want to walk, join the plano team, lol!
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