Archived They won't let me leave!

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Feb 14, 2015
Okay, a little dramatic but let me explain.

I don't like cashiering, so I asked to get cross-trained in softlines to see if I liked it, and if I did I would ask to get permanently transferred to softlines.

Like I said in another thread, I do will with customer service and bagging, but I just can't sell redcards at all. With my softlines training coming up, I was told that I wouldn't be able to permanently transfer to softlines until I get my red card conversion scores up (completely took away my excitement).

Why? If getting redcards is supposedly the main job for cashiers, why would it have any bearing on my ability to do well in softlines? If I'm not a "good" cashier because of redcards why won't they let me go to a department that's a better fit? Now I feel like I'm stuck.
Because they're not going to take somebody who is failing at their primary core role and put them in a new position. Target is under the assumption that if you succeed in one department, you can succeed in all departments. Likewise, if you fail at one, you'll fail at another. Tossing a failing TM from 1 department to another to find their "fit"....Target sees as a waste of time and resources.

But your primary core role isn't to SELL red cards, it's to OFFER red cards. You can't be punished for not getting cards, but you can be punished for not asking.
Because they're not going to take somebody who is failing at their primary core role and put them in a new position. Target is under the assumption that if you succeed in one department, you can succeed in all departments. Likewise, if you fail at one, you'll fail at another. Tossing a failing TM from 1 department to another to find their "fit"....Target sees as a waste of time and resources.

Of course this logic ignores the reality of how peoples skill sets work.
Granted you don't want to bounce a bad employee from department to department but a good manager will recognize when someone has skills that can be applied in another area.
It's like a teacher who uses differentiated teaching methods to educate their students.
Just as everybody doesn't learn the same, everybody doesn't do well in the same department.
If they are a dependable, reliable worker, who have shown they want to be there, just might not be strong in one area, then move them to where they can flourish.

On flow I wasn't the fastest member of the flow team but I was one of the most accurate and I FIFOd like a sumbitch.
I noticed details that other people on the team didn't and called things out.
They made me the signing ninja because they knew I would fit the job.
It gets better. If you do get your conversion score up, they won't let you go because they'll need you to keep the number up. I know at my store very few people are able to break free from the front end if they were hired there.

It's totally the opposite at my store. Almost everyone who applies for a cashier position eventually gets moved to another work center. We're seriously lacking in cashiers, but I guess the ETLs figure any TM can be a cashier if they just keep calling for back up.
Aside from redcards I come to work on time, I try to have a good attitude, I've only called out twice for sickness, and I do stay late sometimes when they ask. I'm not a super cashier, but I'm not horrible either.
It gets better. If you do get your conversion score up, they won't let you go because they'll need you to keep the number up. I know at my store very few people are able to break free from the front end if they were hired there.

That's what I thought was funny and what my family brought up when I talked to them about it. If I do raise my conversion scores then they're not going to want me to leave the front end because I'll be getting them red cards.
Leaders need to be able to recognize talent when they have it. Commie has it right when he says it's important to put people in positions where they'll flourish. There are plenty of tms who need to go, but there are some who just aren't in a good fit for them.
I'm currently in that position right now. I've been green across the board multiple times and those are the times they're technically allowed to train you according to my store, but all the times I've been green they've told me that they need me to stay because of my conversion and how good I am. It's horrible and I've talked to other TLs in other departments and they're willing to train me too (some say they need me) because I do a lot of reshop when they need help and I've taken like two shifts in softlines and hardlines when they needed help and I've even covered guest services, but they haven't done any paper work because, well, my conversion is bad. It's a horrible cycle. At this point I've given up. I'm doomed to stay a cashier for the rest of my Target life.
It's totally the opposite at my store. Almost everyone who applies for a cashier position eventually gets moved to another work center. We're seriously lacking in cashiers, but I guess the ETLs figure any TM can be a cashier if they just keep calling for back up.
We frequently have more backup cashiers than scheduled cashiers. It gets really bad.
It's the opposite in my store. If you are great at your workcenter they won't let you transfer to another. They'll take them off the street and pay them more before giving you the opportunity.
I can see not letting someone change work centers if a team member is late all the time ( or calls out all the time ), doesn't care about their work center and is just an all around bad team member. Maybe not everyone excels at getting red cards ( as long as they are a good team member in other ways) I don't see why it should keep them from being able to move on ( within the store).
But your primary core role isn't to SELL red cards, it's to OFFER red cards. You can't be punished for not getting cards, but you can be punished for not asking.

Sorry to tell you, but in my store, cashiers are given 3 months to get conversion green or be coached. It does not matter if you ask every person every time. Spot could care less if you are termed, they will hire another to replace you for less pay. A Win-Win in their eyes.
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