Archived Thief steals a truckload of margarine headed for FDC

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SWEET!!! That was one of my DCs for one of my stores. And I used to live about 5-10 minutes from the scene of the crime.
A truck full of margarine was stolen?

That takes a lot of balls. Which will soon shrivel after eating all of that margarine.
Crazy! That's the DC/FDC that serves my store as well! Can't wait to explain to our guests why we won't have margarine on the shelves lol.

Oh, and for those who didn't pick up on it - it wasn't a target trailer that was stolen, but the vendor's truck on their way to Inbound at the FDC. Wtf why would Target just send an FDC truck of margarine to a store? lmao.
A truckload of margarine?
The possibilities are endless.....
Oh, and for those who didn't pick up on it - it wasn't a target trailer that was stolen, but the vendor's truck on their way to Inbound at the FDC. Wtf why would Target just send an FDC truck of margarine to a store? lmao.

Thank you for noticing that! A store would never need that much margarine. A food distribution center, on the other hand........
Now see, I was thinking they were planning a heck of a lot of baking but then that's where my mind is this time of year.
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