Archived Time to Take the Initiative To Change

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Perishable Assistant Wizard
Aug 20, 2013
my situation,

Though, I'll wait till after the summer is over.
I appreciate what the kid was trying to do and I'm sure he didn't mean to die but he made some really basic mistakes about living in Alaska wilderness.

I was living up there at the time it happened and everybody felt sad but most of us who grew up there just couldn't wrap our heads around it.
When you don't let your kids go out the door without making sure they're dressed properly for the weather or that you have jumper cables in your car and extra blankets in your car in case it breaks down, what he did made no sense.

I went camping with my kids every year and always took twice as much as we needed just in case we got stuck out there.
I also took a shotgun for bears.

Breaking free and changing your life is something that has to be done sometimes but a little planning and some backup is just a good idea.
How do you pay for it is the question? Money is everything. I would love to just bolt and go explore for a year but that stuff costs money.
Sometimes they are things that are more important than money. It's different for everyone, before I was a parent I could have easily pictured myself doing something like. Now my life involves far more responsibility.
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