Archived TL dating TM

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Senior Team Leader - Human Resources
Jun 22, 2011
If I am not mistaken a Team Leader can date a Team Member who does not report to him/her, correct?

Yes, I just got promoted and, yes, seasonal team members came lol if u catch my drift.

I am a Softlines TL and she is a Cashier.

The only hindrance is that since I used to be a GSA I learned to make schedules and the whole 96% etc. so I make the GE schedule while we currently have no ETL. Now I do as a favor because my ETL, ETL-SL that is, is watching both areas for the time being and she's an awesome ETL who I'd do anything for.

Should I tell her what might be happening and request to stop making the schedules? The front end team don't really know I make them, they think I make the SL schedule when I say "I am doing schedules" but some know I do it. I mean I don't think us dating will have an impact on it but just as a precaution.

What are the rules at your store? i kno some stores tend to break away Best Practice lol. You can't control who you like though.
Don't say a word about your relationship to anyone. I don't see a problem you doing the schedule for frontend. Be a pro with her at work. Discretion is highly Recommend.
Spot policy is no dating between tl or etl with a tm.
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You are allowed to date a Tm as long as you are not supervising them directly, i.e. cashier and GSTL. You are fine and you making the schedule doesn't matter. With that being said I would not mention it to anyone but if you feel the need to let someone know then only let your ETL-HR know.
Keep it very low key at work,if it turns out that she is great and deserving of more hours then others,it might be an issue
You are allowed to date a Tm as long as you are not supervising them directly, i.e. cashier and GSTL. You are fine and you making the schedule doesn't matter. With that being said I would not mention it to anyone but if you feel the need to let someone know then only let your ETL-HR know.

Quoted For Truth.
gsa here dating cashier ATM :] lol
Actually, that is quite all right because as a GSA you are not actually in a Lead position. You do not deliver/determine scores for reviews or corrective action so you are in the clear. My own GSA has worked his way thru most of the ladies on the front end....unfortunately. 😛
Keep it very low key. No one knew I was married to another TM at the same store as me until I went to HR to change my name and the ETL HR girl decided it would be hilarious to announce the "good news of our marriage" during the morning AND closing huddles...
Idk. I'm a GSA and hes someone in Food Ave and they said that while he is on the clock, I cannot go back there to back up. If I need to call help desk while hes back there, I have to get LOD approval. But that's all they have really told me. I still do my job and he understands. We get a lot of the same shifts since he opens FA and I am cash office so it works out..

I guess as long as you keep it low key and make sure you don't tell people you don't trust you should be fine. But if and when a breakup occurs please remember work is work home is home.
One of our GSAs is dating the Backroom Day TL. Pretty much everyone knows, but they're still secretive about it.
As others have said as long as you do not write her review you are fine. And also have others have suggested I would not mention it to anyone unless the time comes you may in end up as her Team Lead then let your HR know. If you were HR, AP or the STL you can not date anyone in your store.
We have a new GSA (just started) whose husband is one of our cashiers. He's been there around 2 years. So they are training him in other areas for the times when their shifts are around the same times. He had another job during the day so they probably won't have a conflict that much.
What about SrTL dating another TL? This should be alright but what about when the SrTL is LOD????
I would think that SrTL would not be allowed to date anyone in the store for that reason.
If you are a TL, then you better tell HR immediately. They will can you and her if they get wind of it even if you aren't in the same department (although once you let them know they will just make sure you don't supervise her). Even though it is none of Target's business, they will try to make you feel like you are doing something dishonest and immoral if they find out. It is not in your best interest in the least to keep it from them, because rumors will start and it will just get worse from there.
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