Archived TL interview with DTL

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It used to be similar questions that your STL and ETL went over with you during the practice interviews. You'll mainly need 5 or 6 stories that you can adapt to the questions.
iirc, one was about challenging upwards. Can't remember any others.
DTLs don't do TL interviews anymore. Or at least they're not supposed to. It should be handled entirely at the store level.
Slightly dated:
STAR interviews:
The answer to your question(s) are pretty simple. During your interview be honest and yourself. They will ask you 4-5 situational questions (total of 3 rounds I believe) just to see what type of leader you are. Remember to paint them a picture because what they are looking for in each question that you answer is to be outlined in the following way:

Situation - how does your answer relate to the question
Example: tell me about a time you had to make a tough decison
You - During college ect..... <--- you are painting them a picture so tehy can visually see your answer.
Task - what did you have to accomplish/what what was the issue or problem
Action - how did you solve this issue/what steps were taken.
Result - what was the final outcome.

Overall be upbeat. During the interview don't EVER put yourself down. Even with the famous questions "what is one think your previous supervisor would change or say that you need to work on." Turn the question about to something like: "One thing my past supervisor would stay that I can improve is sometimes I tend want to help out too much. If I see someone struggling I always try and offer assistance." Remember to turn a weakness into a strength (sorry I just got off work so if a lot does not make sense please don't blame me lol).

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Thank you all. Im fairly certain that I am still interviewing with the DTL ive done the store level interviews and was told ill need to prepare for the DTL interview.
DTL interviews are not required but do still occur. Especially if the DTL is concerned about the leadership make up of a store, or about the work center that the TL will be leading.

The questions are just like the other interview guides. That is if they do a guide at all. It may just be a get to know you type conversion.
Our former DTL was old school and pretty much just ignored the interview packet. It was more a meet and greet with them. He would find a way to connect with almost anyone, making it feel like a casual conversation more than anything. Plus he also trusted his stores leadership. The DTL interview was a formality more than anything, he signed off pretty much everyone that made it to him.

Our current DTL is much different. Very by the book and as far as I know still does the packet of questions. He's also very picky. Anywhere from a third to half of the people that make it that far in the process don't pass his interview.

I know of several current TLs that easily passed interviews with the old DTL that say they doubt they would pass with the current because they are so much different people.

Personally I hate the way Target structures their interviews and especially the packets. I do much better in the meet and greet formats.
I did not interview with our DTL. Just got signed off as Hardlines TL. Had my interview with my STL and then he informed me I got the position and I did not have to do a phone interview with district.
My interview with DTL was informal as well. Only advice I can really give is to give your stories in a way that shows how you can lead. You're meant to brag about yourself, but your DTL knows the good stuff you've done as a TM, he just wants to know how it'll apply to you being a good leader.
I am only a TL, but I agree the interview packets are terrible. I had to basically study answers and write myself a cheat sheet to pass a phone interview with my dtl.

I had made my own answers and used my experiences properly and expressed myself well. But it was so put on.

I just needed to make sure I followed the correct "method" of answering. Even though my stl knew exactly who I was and that he wanted me leading a department based on what he knew about me.

It's nice to see they are giving the stl and hr more of a direct role in fostering talent.
Our former DTL was old school and pretty much just ignored the interview packet. It was more a meet and greet with them. He would find a way to connect with almost anyone, making it feel like a casual conversation more than anything. Plus he also trusted his stores leadership. The DTL interview was a formality more than anything, he signed off pretty much everyone that made it to him.

Our current DTL is much different. Very by the book and as far as I know still does the packet of questions. He's also very picky. Anywhere from a third to half of the people that make it that far in the process don't pass his interview.

I know of several current TLs that easily passed interviews with the old DTL that say they doubt they would pass with the current because they are so much different people.

Personally I hate the way Target structures their interviews and especially the packets. I do much better in the meet and greet formats.

This I don't like, I feel as if you can learn the most about a person when it isn't scripted... Ask scripted questions, you are most likely going to receive scripted answers.

you know who read scripts? Actors/Actresses.

Actually i think that might explain Target in a nutshell.
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