Archived TM and cell phones

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Jun 18, 2011
What is your store's policy on TM and their cell phones? Can they keep them but vibrating or must they be locked in their lockers etc?
They are supposed to be kept locked away but just about everyone carries theirs. As long as you don't get caught texting on the floor it's cool. I use mine as my watch and keep it for in case of medical emergency so the bosses don't have a problem with mine. I keep it on vibrate since my ringtone is 'Beat on the Brat' by The Ramones.
LOL. depends on lots of things. like, if its cloudy outside, how traffic is, etc

but seriously, my store seems to make up the rules. i thought it was SALARY can have them, non-exempt cant. but of course my Sr.TLs carry them with no problems. Most of the TLs do as well. out MMB TM wears hers on her belt with no problem whatsoever. but if i (regular elec TM) use mine to even check the time, all hell breaks out on me haha. the other elec TM "technically BRAND tm" uses his on the clock to help guests look up info and such and texts, never heard a cross word about that.

just depends if your higher ups like you or not, i guess
I use mine for info such as keep DPCIs, calculator, watch, etc. No one has said anything to me about it.

I think what irks ETLs is when the catch TMs standing around texting and not doing anything. Don't get caught and there won't be a problem.
At my store, there are no cell phones allowed, backroom or sales floor. It is funny how much it reminds me of highschool. You must have your phone in your locker or car (unless you are like me and carry it anyways, but keep it on silent and don't look at it). You get coached if it so much as falls out of your pocket, UNLESS you are one of our ETLs, who walks around the store pushing a cart of returns while talking about the game last night.
the TM handbook says if you have a cell phone and bring it to work, it belongs in your locker. I know most everyone keeps it with them anyway, depends on whoever the ETL-LOD is each day.
Keep it in my pocket on vibrate. If it's a super emergency, my family knows they can call the store and ask for me.
My store everyone is texting.. Even when a guest stops to ask a question their like in between responding to the text and saying CIHYFS
There's a TM in SL who was hiding out in a fitting room texting while under the guise of cleaning out the fitting rooms. She got caught by a TL but got nothing more than a coaching. Hasn't stopped her yet.
One of our former CA was promoted to guest because he was texting while using the cart mover to bring in a line of carts & wasn't paying attention to the mover as he was going around a curve. Scraped a guest's car pretty good & another guest witnessed it.
There's a TM in SL who was hiding out in a fitting room texting while under the guise of cleaning out the fitting rooms. She got caught by a TL but got nothing more than a coaching. Hasn't stopped her yet.
One of our former CA was promoted to guest because he was texting while using the cart mover to bring in a line of carts & wasn't paying attention to the mover as he was going around a curve. Scraped a guest's car pretty good & another guest witnessed it.

promoted to guest:disappoint:🙄
Our store is much like everyone else. Only ETLs and key carrier can have their cell phones with them at all times. All others should keep them in their lockers. Mine is in my locker unless I'm on lunch or break, but the majority keep their with them. Nothing has been said. When we got our current STL about 1.5 years ago she posted a sign about cell phone policy. I can see around me how well it is being enforced.
At my store, you can tell that most TMs keeps their cell phones in their lockers because you can always hear them ringing or vibrating inside the lockers. The only times I've seen TMs use their phones were three relatively new cashiers who were texting - one got coached, one got fired, and one hasn't been caught...yet.
I have a very sick child so need to be able to be contacted at any time by school, caregivers, etc. Since we are always short of walkies, I am permitted to carry my phone, but it has to be on vibrate. There were 4 instances of health emergencies in which the caller was told that I wasn't at work since I did not respond to a call on the walkie - didn't have one. Otherwise, no phones.
We're supposed to keep ours in our lockers. Some TMs don't and text while on the floor anyway, I know a few who have been coached for it, but to my knowledge no one "promoted to guest" (I like that term lol)

Whoever is fitting room/operator can get away texting pretty easily, but I don't do it when I work back there, not worth it if I were to get caught.
Our ca was promoted to a guest for hiding behind a tree, texting away multi times. Then he was making out with his got him on camera when he did that.
Here it's you can carry your cell with you. If it's an important call, you can take it but only if you do it off the sales floor.
I used to not carry mine on me... then I ran into too many situations where guests asked me things that only my smart phone could answer. for example, whats the number to tmobile customer service or what are the reviews on this camera like. I carry it on me now. I'm completely left alone in my department from start to finish unless etls want to delegate their tasks to me like audits etc so it works fine for me. Other people get coached and written up though. lol.
I have no issues with my team having theirs on the floor, but I better not catch them using it on the floor. I don't know who they are texting at 3 am, but oddly enough I know the body language now that suggests they are using it but don't want to get caught because it happens all the time.

Our policy is if you have an emergency situation go off stage and alert a TL asap, otherwise keep it in your pocket.
WOW some stores are strict.. My STL has told everyone from day one, If your gonna be on your phone either on a call or texting do it where a guest can't see you or in a cart or shelf and if your gonna be on it for a brief moment get off the floor..

I text all day long and so does everyone else but not to the point were it takes priority over my job, performance and guest..
I am allowed to carry a cell phone by our STL and I'm the only one allowed because of my disability.

I need to take a photo of what I was doing before I go on break/lunch/meeting otherwise I will have completely forgotten what I was doing before hand. Once I see the image of what I was doing, then I can continue what I was doing.
I haven't really been told anything about cell phone rules. I know we are supposed to keep them in the locker, and some do, but most don't. I know sales floor used to text a lot. I know a few cashiers that text using the go back bin. One GSA caught them but she didn't care so she blew it off. Kinda annoyed me 😛

Anyways as for me, I have mine in my back pocket on Airplane mode (no calls, no internet, no text)
I used to keep mine in my locker but then we got a "bomb threat" and we had to evacuate and i didn't have my phone. So now after that, I keep mine in my pocket just in case. no one cares cuz i can easily show them that its in air plane mode.
Everyone in my store carriers their cell phones in their pockets. We never have enough walkies so my TL calls or texts us even when we are on the floor.
We're supposed to keep them in lockers, but nobody ever does. We all keep them in our pockets, because you never know in case of emergency. I keep mine on me. I also don't trust the lockers. I like having it on me, because working backroom, I never know when my shift will end, so I need to be able to let friends/family/whoever know that I'll be running late, or coming home early, etc.
I always keep it in my pocket but it's always on silent and I only pull it out when on break/lunch or when I'm closing and use it to keep track of time while I zone See Spot or the card wall.

I used to always put my stuff in the lockers but after several times when the lockers wouldn't open and I had to track the LOD down, I'll rather just keep everything on me. I don't carry much anyways, just my phone, earphones, wallet, and some change for the bus.
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