Archived Toilet Paper forts

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Perishable Assistant Wizard
Aug 20, 2013
I am tired of this shit every Friday night kids hide behind the paper towels and toilet paper.
Does this happen at your store?

One girl lost her cell phone and a TM had to find it for her.

I don't get it !!!

I've told many kids ... "To get the Hell out of my store" the LOD just laughed and like it .
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I've never come across fort builders, but honestly, I don't think I'd mind. The ones I mind are the kids who steal the electric scooters and ride around the store, or just wander the store aimlessly while taking up the entire aisle or talking really loud.

The 24 hour walmart video was actually kind of adorable. They seemed respectful enough, and even encouraged viewers to always put the products back in the right harm, no foul!

--edit-- and by "steal the electric scooters" I just meant kids grabbing the handicap scooters up front and riding around- not actually stealing the electric Razor scooters that we sell lol
Yeah, we've had that happen once or twice before. It's a huge pain in the ass because they make a big mess and move everything around. @callmetaylor you'd probably have a different opinion if you had to clean it up after...

I didn't watch any of those videos, but going by the titles, I don't see how they could last 24 hours in there (at least at my store). We have a backroom TM who manually fills some of the PIPO ones a couple times a day, and the flow TM over that area is pretty thorough. Not to mention that paper is right near a backroom entrance, with people coming and going through there all day.
I've never come across fort builders, but honestly, I don't think I'd mind. The ones I mind are the kids who steal the electric scooters and ride around the store, or just wander the store aimlessly while taking up the entire aisle or talking really loud.

The 24 hour walmart video was actually kind of adorable. They seemed respectful enough, and even encouraged viewers to always put the products back in the right harm, no foul!

--edit-- and by "steal the electric scooters" I just meant kids grabbing the handicap scooters up front and riding around- not actually stealing the electric Razor scooters that we sell lol
Threw out one group of fort builders in my time at Target. However, the electric cart kids were the worst. We were told that we couldn't tell them to get off the carts unless they were doing something really stupid, because we couldn't say for sure that they didn't have a disability. I would just wait until they went like a half hour without buying anything and throw them out for loitering.
One group though, would come in every day and be stupid. Then one day I saw all four of them on one electric cart smashing into stuff and being stupid. I went out on the floor to deal with them and I swear as soon as they saw me coming it was like an episode of cops where all the criminals bail out of a car when the cops stop them. They all took off running in various direction heading for the front, and since it was one of my last days and the store was pretty dead, I ran after them and chased them all the way out of the store. From what I hear, they haven't come back since.
To me this just means they should be sending enough product to keep the floor full!

But that is totally my planned hiding spot in case of emergency so maybe not, lol.
Oh " H" NO!!! We can't keep TP in stock at my store so I would know something is up plus I actually zone paper. Those kids should have been arrested for trespassing. Plus why doesn't Target have motion detectiors. I worked at a place where if you got locked in if you moved anywhere in the store it would set off the alarm.
There was like two months ago in November when we had just moved to 2am schedule to start working the truck at that time, this teenager kid that was hiding in one of these forts until my TL came and to set up everything for the unload, and she ran into this kid. She called the STL and the cops. When everybody got there at 2am there were cops, kid's parents and my STL talking with the TL.

Apparently the kid said that he planed to hide there all night, and wander around the store to make a YouTube video, but when wasn't counting on all Logistics team to come at 2 in morning because he thought that employees came in at 8am.
I thought this was the stuff of urban legends. I heard about it when I was training, but have never seen it.
The second one has a gap, from salesfloor to restricted area. Id say its a TM who had the combination to a door.
Not every store has a lock on the door to the team member areas. They definitely knew someone who knew someone who worked there though. Because they were able to get that person to call someone to come let them out.
I am tired of this shit every Friday night kids hide behind the paper towels and toilet paper.
Does this happen at your store?

One girl lost her cell phone and a TM had to find it for her.

I don't get it !!!

I've told many kids ... "To get the Hell out of my store" the LOD just laughed and like it .

Who cares if there are children behind the wall of toilet paper they zoned it perfectly, and they did it for free.
So, what if a group of people do this, and then claim they got locked in to avoid getting in trouble? Couldn't the closing LOD get fired for that?
Who cares if there are children behind the wall of toilet paper they zoned it perfectly, and they did it for free.
Not all of them are very neat or zone it remotely correctly. The last time we had it happen, they made a huge mess that took at least half an hour to fix and fill it properly.
So, what if a group of people do this, and then claim they got locked in to avoid getting in trouble? Couldn't the closing LOD get fired for that?
Until someone checks the cameras to follow their movements and sees where they were hiding. I don't think the LOD is required to check behind the paper towels and infant furniture.
I still don't understand what's so magical about staying in at Target overnight. It's still fucking Target, just with less shitty people, and a chance of getting arrested.

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