Archived Training hours are different?

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Oct 19, 2016
Hello all!

Hopefully someone can help clear this up for me one way or the other...I just started at Target recently and am in my two week training schedule. I am a bit concerned because they only have me scheduled for for like 12 hours next week and I was hoping to get a little more and was even told due to my availability that I would probably get my desired hours. I brought up the low amount of hours at orientation and was told that these were training hours for the two weeks. Does that mean that my hours could possibly go up after this schedule?

Yes, for starters the stores arent that much busier than normal. The week of Thanksgiving you should have a nice full schedule.

When it comes to training schedules they want to start you slowly but also not completely screw over the old timers who get regular hours.
When I started, my first (training) week was a pretty full schedule (almost 40). The following week was barely 20. things tend to level out. Training schedule isn't a very good indicator of what's to come. Especially now, as B.Friday and Christmas come up, your hours should pick up. Even if they don't there's usually a good shot at being extended/asked to come in. If it's hours you want, make sure you're ready and willing to jump when the opportunity comes.
My two weeks of training had only 4 hour shifts like every two days. After that I got an 8 hour shift every week + other 4-7 hour shifts. About 35 hours a week.
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