Archived Transfer

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Jan 14, 2016
Is a transfer to a store in a different state as a TL even possible? Any personal accounts of this process? I've been a TL for almost a year and my workcenters are green. I was planning on asking my HR ETL about this but I figured I'd ask you guys too to see if anyone had any experiences to share.
Yeah, my gstlpeer is transferring to california from texas! You just have to do a phone interview with their etl-hr.. But honestly ASANTS! And she got a salesfloor position :(
Yes but I believe you need your STL's blessing as well. And of course there needs to be an opening at the store you're planning on transferring to.
I am on good terms with my STL and even my DTL. I communicate with them both regularly. I figured that there of course had to be an open position at the destination store and I also figured I had to be in role for at least a year. The good news is at my store we are over headcount anyway so maybe that'll mean they'll be more inclined to help me out haha
Idk all the details, but I know a TL who transferred to CA from one of the Southern states.
Yep, we had a TL transfer from out of state, and he was by far the best TL we've had for his department.
Gs1017 is right,I hand a number of transfers without any issue,but I have friends who have had issues and one who had to transfer as a tm but was back to tl within a year.You see to have everything going for you so you should be ok.
Over the years, we have had TLs transfer in and out of our store. If you know where you want to go, reach out as early as possible. When something opens up, you will already be "on the list" for the opening. We are getting an out of state transfer that will actually put us over head count, but they want to do what's right for him. Phone interview and spoke with his STL.
Thanks for all the great info guys. I think I know exactly what do to now!
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