Archived Transfers

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Jun 8, 2011
Just curious about your thoughts on transfers. Just before Christmas we got a BR TM transfer here. Nicest guy you'd want to meet. Even though he had been with the company for about 6 months he was extremely slow about pulling and backstocking. Sometimes he would stay if asked to & other times he would leave before having to take a lunch. (5 hours here) I can't hold that against him, as he may have other obligations. But by now I would think he would have built up some speed in completing tasks. Sometimes when I worked BR I would see him backstock items in the wrong fill group aisle. :(

Recently we got another transfer I am just thrilled to have. She is trained in all areas of the store but GS. Is willing to work other areas if needed but prefers flow. She is also willing to stay if needed, as long as it doesn't interfer with her classes. She was even kind enough to ask if there were aisles I didn't like stocking & she would do those. She has been with the company 4 years and I feel like I don't have to go back and check her work. Sadly enough she is just with us until the summer. I'm happy to have her however long I can. Where do I go to make a clone of this transfer??? I'll even send a clone to your store if you want one. :)
Just curious about your thoughts on transfers. Just before Christmas we got a BR TM transfer here. Nicest guy you'd want to meet. Even though he had been with the company for about 6 months he was extremely slow about pulling and backstocking. Sometimes he would stay if asked to & other times he would leave before having to take a lunch. (5 hours here) I can't hold that against him, as he may have other obligations. But by now I would think he would have built up some speed in completing tasks. Sometimes when I worked BR I would see him backstock items in the wrong fill group aisle. :(

In a friendly way, speak with your BR TL or the ETL-LOG and address these issues. Given it's only been 6 months, he still needs time to grow into the position. The backroom has a lot of task many can't grasp overnight. Even if his pulling and backstocking is extremely slow, he should pay better attention to the fill groups. I've seen a few guys like you've mention, great guys but not cut out for the position.
In a friendly way, speak with your BR TL or the ETL-LOG and address these issues. Given it's only been 6 months, he still needs time to grow into the position. The backroom has a lot of task many can't grasp overnight. Even if his pulling and backstocking is extremely slow, he should pay better attention to the fill groups. I've seen a few guys like you've mention, great guys but not cut out for the position.

BR TL is aware of the situation. Not sure if our ETL-LOG is or not. But thanks for the suggestions. :)
Only thing worse than a incompetant transfer, is a transfer that comes to your store and takes all your hours. And they get recognized for their fresh attitude and picking things up so quick, while you get coached for keeping the place running the last couple years. It's even worse when they transfer to your store the week after the christmas rush!
I just finished a transfer process. It took a week from submitting my application to the interview process, and then another four days until I started working there. You have to come in with a certain type of attitude. Not the kind like "hey, I'm new, but I know everything so you can just move out of my way" but more so of the "hey, I'm new here but I've been with the company for a few years. Thanks in advance for helping me get used to the team/culture here, and let me know if there's anything I can do for you." It's a confident, yet slightly submissive attitude.
I love when certain transfers mention how their OLD STORE did things and how this store does things they've never seen before. :D
I just finished a transfer process. It took a week from submitting my application to the interview process, and then another four days until I started working there. You have to come in with a certain type of attitude. Not the kind like "hey, I'm new, but I know everything so you can just move out of my way" but more so of the "hey, I'm new here but I've been with the company for a few years. Thanks in advance for helping me get used to the team/culture here, and let me know if there's anything I can do for you." It's a confident, yet slightly submissive attitude.

What a great attitude you have about your transfer. Hope all is going well in your new store.
I know that feel bro!

I've mentioned differences between stores. I feel that it's a learning experience for everybody. I bring a challenging viewpoint into play and try to adapt myself. I've learned a few new things, and have taught my new team a few tricks.
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