Archived Unsure about....

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Watching it all
May 1, 2015
Has there been a restructuring of the Receiver and Reverse Logistics position? It's as if things have changed, almost over night, in what the LOD LOG is telling me. Some of the situations are ones that I had previously gotten help with, but now I am told no.
Example: Freezer truck comes in, pallet unload begins, a few vendors arrive. The freezer pallets are now unloaded & I ask if someone is available to take the pallets to our big freezer in back. Either there's silence (crickets on the walkie) or the answer is no.
What is my next step? Screw the vendors that have been patient? Let the food sit until they are checked in?
This is only one of many situations but it is making me wonder why the sudden change.

There's an underlying feeling of hatred from two of the execs and I am starting to get the feeling that they want me gone. Sadly I don't think anyone would take the position in this store.
Varies by store but fdc takes priority since it has to remain in temp. They should be getting you help but sometimes it just isn't available.
We are a 6am process. Pfresh usually arrives between 7:30 to 9:30. Always flow team that unloads the pallets. Receiver notifies tl log who grabs about 2 or 3 people. Asants
our FDC now arrives in the late afternoon, one TM is trained to receive it , break it down and prepare it for flow in the morning. B volume Super Target. No vendors that late to deal with and if I am still there I will help with paperwork or temping or moving pallets but its not my process per se as the receiver in our store.
There's nobody in the backroom or flow that you can call out by name?

Our receiver will usually get help from the BRTL or the BRTM who backstocks pfresh. And if neither of them are working, he can get help from a flow TM on the FDC team, the CTL, or ANY BRTM.

It's not that hard to roll a few pallets a few hundred (or few dozen) feet into a cooler and read a thermometer.
First: Thanks for the responses!

The store in question is a C on the volume and has not been on best practices since it's conception, as far as I have seen.

Not sure if one can affect the way things are supposed to be.
Unfortunately you are probably just going to have to tell the vendors to wait. Don't forget that Target is their customer and if they want to sell their products, they are going to do what they can to make that happen (even if it means waiting around for 20 minutes).

It's not uncommon to see a handful of our vendors chilling at the receiving desk when our receiver is on lunch, and it's the one day of the week where nobody can cover it.
Does anyone know if the blue sky discontinued planners get sent back?
Blue Sky is a scan based vendor so we don't own the product. We don't pay for it until it is sold at the register. IR are issued when new items come in. We work the ir and toss the mdse. When we find outdated or even discontinued items we change the on hands and toss it away. I just hate tgrowing away perfectly good mdse away but that is the agree between with Blue Sky. I have a relative that works for Office Depot and they have to do the same thing. It's the same for other planners that are scan based.
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