Archived Very upset right now.

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Mar 31, 2016
I never call off and they day I decided to call off I am told I will get a corrective action. I had to call off as I left my phone 2 hours away and I had no means of transportation today. What should I do about this situation.
Depending on your mgt, if you called in 2 hours before your shift, you should be ok. If you are under 90 days, different story.
It sounds like your store has zero tolerance for call offs.
Depending on your mgt, if you called in 2 hours before your shift, you should be ok. If you are under 90 days, different story.
It sounds like your store has zero tolerance for call offs.
I called two hours and not under my 90 days.
Have you called out in the last 60-days, and, if so, how many times?
The key is communicating to your mgt on your transportation issues. You want to change your availability to fix it.
That really sucks! I think call offs every once in a while should be understandable emergencies and illnesses happen. You can either work through the corrective action for six months and hope you don't get written up again or start looking for another job
First, you need to be coached. A TL or etl will talk to you about being late. Usually, this will happen 2 or 3 times. If there is no improvement, you will be given a CCA. This is something that you have to sign. If there is still no improvement, you will be put on a final warning. This step lasts for a year.
If you get a CCA for the call in, I would ask when you were coached. They should be able to give the exact dates. You should be told that you are being coached when it happens. If this is not how it happened, go to HR. The Bullseye likes to cross t's and dot i's.

Finally, show up for work on time. If you need to change your availability, do it.
none. I do have minor attendance issues like every once in awhile I'm 10 minutes late as I have a long commute
If you regularly have trouble with your commute, and are missing getting there at the top of the hour or half past, ask that you be scheduled:15 or :45 past the hour. That will give you the 10 minutes plus 5 minutes extra if you need it. Good luck, I hope your management team works with you on this.
First, you need to be coached. A TL or etl will talk to you about being late. Usually, this will happen 2 or 3 times. If there is no improvement, you will be given a CCA. This is something that you have to sign. If there is still no improvement, you will be put on a final warning. This step lasts for a year.
If you get a CCA for the call in, I would ask when you were coached. They should be able to give the exact dates. You should be told that you are being coached when it happens. If this is not how it happened, go to HR. The Bullseye likes to cross t's and dot i's.

It is possible to go straight to a corrective action (I know this from experience), but this situation doesn't really fall under conduct.

OP, unless you've been coached for attendance-related issues, it sounds like the LOD was just being a dick. But tread carefully anyways.
What should I do when I go into work tomorrow? Just act all happy?
How did it go?

Well I got there and the GSTL's said they were dissapointed in me as there were two other call outs and the store was crazy that day. I got no corrective or write up, however, I did speak to my GSTL and explained to him my situation. He was understanding and stated he is not coaching me and just talking to me as a friend. They did however cut my hours next week than what it previously was.. not a lot. I now have three days off in a row when I was originally scheduled one of those days for 8 hours. I confronted my GSTL and she said "oh yea we're cutting hours" then why does everyone else have more hours? I'm used to getting my almost 40.
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