Archived welcome back

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Sales floor TL
Jun 8, 2011
First i just want to say how happy i am the thebreakroom is back.. i was just promoted from Perishables Assistant to Backroom CTL. (I just got the PA position a month ago..) I will be transfering to a store whose pfresh remodel will be done on july 26th..)

anyway. welcome back all.!
Good work on the promotion! What volume is your p-fresh store?
I'm in a C volume store, so just one all-around CTL 🙄
I'm in a C volume store, so just one all-around CTL 🙄

As a 6 on the Org Chart we were allowed i beleive 2 CTL's and 2 PA's yet we have 3 PA's.
Supposedly I will be the only CTL upon my transfer with one PA. Hopefully Ill have more help 🙂 due to the lower volume i know the payroll is much lower.
What a shame this isn't common knowledge, I think alot of people would find this tool useful to have healthy discussions
First i just want to say how happy i am the thebreakroom is back.. i was just promoted from Perishables Assistant to Backroom CTL. (I just got the PA position a month ago..) I will be transfering to a store whose pfresh remodel will be done on july 26th..)

anyway. welcome back all.!
Greetings and salutations.
Seems like many people from the old board are realizing it's up and running again.
Very cool.
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