Archived Well, There's This

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Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
This has been making the rounds on Twitter and on a number of sites.
I remember the signs but just didn't use them, so yeah they have been around for a while.
For those of you who don't get what the fuss is about, why would any set be specifically for girls.
And yes, I know LEGO makes some ones that have woman figures, etc. but did we need a sign?

Lol. As a woman who once was a girl who played with Lego before the Lego Friends collection existed, the sign is stupid.

Side note: If anyone's interested in Lego's goal to improve the gender targeted toys, there's a short on Netflix called Inside Lego. It's pretty cool and interesting.
I recommend Inside Lego. 22 minutes and pretty interesting. So are the Lego Friends sets now stocked with the rest of the Legos? If I'm not mistaken, it was Lego that chose to merchandise Lego Friends separately from the "standard" Lego lines because they were targeting girls specifically.
Apparently we need the signs because I often have guests ask me for the aisle location of the girls' legos.
Maybe it's an older sign from when we sold the GoldieBlox items in store?

It's interesting how Lego has gotten more gendered over the time.
Technic is the best. Hard as hell to put together.

YES. When Bionicle was a thing, I got one for Christmas and it took forever to put it together correctly. Plus, some of the pieces were difficult to put together without muscles. My 11-year-old stick arms couldn't do it. :D
Maybe it's an older sign from when we sold the GoldieBlox items in store?

It's interesting how Lego has gotten more gendered over the time.

It's not an older sign I have seen it and I'm pretty sure it's up right now.
Anyone remember that time a little girl's letter to Lego went viral?

On topic, Idk if that sign is up in my store. But it's not like they've been changing signs on time, so if it's an old sign is more likely to be up lol. They did the new adjacency in baby in January or February and the boppy pillows are still labeled as potties, and potties have a diaper pail sign or something etc etc. Nuts and trail mix are in the same aisle but if you look up there's an aisle labeled nuts and another three aisles down had trail mix.
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Anyone remember that time a little girl's letter to Lego went viral?

On topic, Idk if that sign is up in my store. But it's not like they've been changing signs on time, so if it's an old sign is more likely to be up lol. They did the new adjacency in baby in January or February and the boppy pillows are still labeled as potties, and potties have a diaper pail sign or something etc etc. Nuts and trail mix are in the same aisle but if you look up there's an aisle labeled bus and another three aisles down had trail mix.

/me gets out a rolled up planogram for Sher's Signing Ninja and slaps him on the hands.
"Bad Signing Ninja, Bad."

I remember the letter and loved it.
I used to buy my daughters fire trucks and other "boy" toys all the time.
My sister bought my nephew the pink microwave we used to sell. My brother-in-law hated it and was happy to see it thrown out when it became broken lol. He also got an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas; which is now more gender-neutral colors and has a boy and girl on the box.
Haha.. My brother had an easy bake oven before they added the gender neutral one! My Nana was so perplexed and my mom was like "what? Boys like little cakes and stuff, too." That was yearss ago. My brother is 15 now. Still bakes.
My son got a Barbie RV back in the 80s. His dad threw a hissy fit but it was the only vehicle that could fit all the GI Joes and "guys" that he needed to transport. OK, it was yellow, but it was a manly yellow, as I recall.
One Christmas my sister got an Easy Bake oven.
I got the Incredible Edibles cooker; you squeezed out flavored gel into molds & baked them into edible spiders, lizards, flies, frogs, etc.
My grandmother was appalled.
Of course, my sister had a Barbie lunch box while I was rocking a Musters one.
One Christmas my sister got an Easy Bake oven.
I got the Incredible Edibles cooker; you squeezed out flavored gel into molds & baked them into edible spiders, lizards, flies, frogs, etc.
My grandmother was appalled.
Of course, my sister had a Barbie lunch box while I was rocking a Musters one.

I had Creepy Crawlers which was much like that without being edible. I used to make spiders and hide them in my sister's room. :D
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