Archived Wellness Captain! What?!

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Sep 20, 2011
So my etl asked me if I wanted to be the wellness captain. She said it was good for my development so I said yes. Any idea what I just got myself into? Should I be nervous I already plan the huddles ( am we superzone based off of shortage counts given to me by ap and pm is Plano help empty aisles they're goig to set ect) follow up on Price challenge reports and I'm a dayside Captian of the fixture room to keep many team commitments?
What are your guy's team commitments?
Most of what you need will be sent in store mail. Check out wbench too. This month I believe is focus on financial wellness. We received posters with the perks and discounts and green dots for tms to put on which they use. Typically the wellness events are on the FFF calender which we create for each month. It is great to have captainships as you can use them on you business walks and leadership status. Team leads are usually partnered with an etl in those types of captainships at times
As for it being too many it is really what you think you can handle. If you are hi potential on the ppa grid or they think you are promotable you will have a decent amount. But don't try to do too much.
I'm a dayside Captian of the fixture room to keep clean.

Sorry for going off topic but every time I read your post my mind keeps coming back to that title.
Jinkies, where can I get one of those?
That would be so cool.
Usually the signing specialist/TM/biatch is the fixture room cleaner/complainer.

On topic: it sounds like you do have a lot on your plate.
I know in my neck of the woods it is usually an ETL who handles that job.
Sounds like they might have big things in mind for you and are loading you up to see if you can multitask (either that or they are being lazy and just want to offload the drek.)
For your sake I'm pretty sure it's the latter and not the former.
I am the door-mat captain. I train people & then watch as they get promoted over me.
I've been stepped over so many times, I've got tread marks on my shoulders.
So my etl asked me if I wanted to be the wellness captain. She said it was good for my development so I said yes. Any idea what I just got myself into? Should I be nervous I already plan the huddles ( am we superzone based off of shortage counts given to me by ap and pm is Plano help empty aisles they're goig to set ect) follow up on Price challenge reports and I'm a dayside Captian of the fixture room to keep many team commitments?
What are your guy's team commitments?

They are testing a larger wellness program in stores right now, and its cheesy enough that I can see Target rolling it out! Basically, there are a few boards with different topics on them (such as choosing the right kind of exercise or diets) along with a store wide game going on at all times (do different wellness things to earn points, every so many points you get put into a drawing to win something)... I don't know that many specifics, but wellness program captain is probably going to start entailing more than it did in the past.
I am the door-mat captain. I train people & then watch as they get promoted over me.
I've been stepped over so many times, I've got tread marks on my shoulders.

Aw hey man I'm sorry. A lot of times the give the excuse your not ready just try your best get some concrete feedback on what you need to work on partner up with a Tl or etl to get your development on the fast track....speed is life best good leaders sometimes take time hang in there buddy
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