Archived What am I doing here?

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Aug 17, 2015
I am not liking Target. I have only been here a week but I don't really fit in. Everyone is very ratchet, for lack of a better word. I listen to how they talk to each other in front of guest and just wonder how they still work here. I am a cashier and it has to be the dullest and most repetitive job ever. I want to transfer to softlines so bad. I also suck at selling red cards. Its really not something people want these days. I tried selling it as a debit card because people just don't want more credit cards but it's still a no. I think it's a great card especially for frequent shoppers but it's hard to explain it to the guest when they have already cut you off. Its also hot. All the cashiers are fanning and sweating and it just looks so tacky. I actually put in my two weeks. I don't want to come to a job I hate it's not fair to me or the guest. Anywho the HR guy asked me to reconsider and I told him I would do my best to try and find a way to make things better. No luck though because today the TL just rubbed me the wrong way. It took a lot for me to just walk away and go back to my register. Perhaps I'll talk about a transfer to a new department and if I can't do that I'll just leave. I keep reading reviews and rants and before I was hired here I thought highly of target.
I don't know how much I can trust the judgment of someone who can use the word "ratchet" in their normal vocabulary, and NOT be talking about one of these....

Anyway, you've only been there a week, and you want to quit because the employees aren't poetic, trendy, fashion models? I have to ask, is this your first job? How do you want to quit after only a week? You haven't even given yourself a chance to learn or get better at anything. It took me a month just to feel like I had got into the swing of things, and learned a majority of what there is to know.

Having said that, retail isn't for everyone. If you're not happy, there's no sense in staying, but I think you should analyze your decision more. What exactly were your expectations for this job? It's cashiering. Retail is not glamorous by any means.
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Ratchet is really the only way to describe them. Its not a word that I use normally but it's the nicest word I could use. Now to your next assumption. I didn't expect it to be glsmourus or a fashion show. I have worked retail for years and was also in the food industry for a couple of years. I understand customer service and yes it bothers me when employees use foul language or have side conversations right in front of the guest. Also if you are a TL your job isn't to sit against a wall and chat while there are lights flickering at the register. Its one thing to lead a team but to just have a higher up position and abuse it is annoying. Also for them to say we care about our employees and turn around and cook us at the registers, skip our breaks, then rush us off when we get close to the six hour mark is just bad on their part. If you read anything I said you would have noticed I said I would try and make things better. Oh and it may have taking you a month to get things but we are two different people. The only thing I struggle with are redcards and nobody is selling themy so maybe it's just not red card season.
Ratchet is really the only way to describe them. Its not a word that I use normally but it's the nicest word I could use. Now to your next assumption. I didn't expect it to be glsmourus or a fashion show. I have worked retail for years and was also in the food industry for a couple of years. I understand customer service and yes it bothers me when employees use foul language or have side conversations right in front of the guest. Also if you are a TL your job isn't to sit against a wall and chat while there are lights flickering at the register. Its one thing to lead a team but to just have a higher up position and abuse it is annoying. Also for them to say we care about our employees and turn around and cook us at the registers, skip our breaks, then rush us off when we get close to the six hour mark is just bad on their part. If you read anything I said you would have noticed I said I would try and make things better. Oh and it may have taking you a month to get things but we are two different people. The only thing I struggle with are redcards and nobody is selling themy so maybe it's just not red card season.

Ratchet Alternatives: Classless, tacky, tasteless, gross, annoying, ugly, nasty, wretched, messy, unpleasant, foul, dumb, dysfunctional, rude, etc.

Then quit. You basically answer your own question. What's with the wishy washy approach? If you don't like your store, then your options are to either stick it out and deal with it, transfer to a different Target, or quit. What else would you like to hear?

You say you have years of experience of retail and food industry work, and Target isn't measuring up to your standards, then logically you should leave and pursue something more like what you've done before.

I'll say it again, you're only been there a week. That's not a good amount of time to make a fair judgment on your Team Leads. Which, by the way, the GSTL is the one whom is in charge of the lanes, it's unlikely a different TL or LOD will ever help unless it's absurdly busy. That's mostly due to the fact that they aren't going to be as knowledgeable about cashiering as your GSTL or GSA. Just because you see people talking, it doesn't mean their negligent. You have no idea what they could be talking about. However, if you DO find them to be negligent, then why are you even asking what to do? If they're negligent, then quit. Simple as that.

Also, breaks are partially your responsibility. If you're not getting your breaks on time, then you need to tell them, "Hey it's time for my break." If you're doing that, and they're stopping you from going to break, then quit. Pretty easy, right?
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Let me give you more information so you can stop making assumptions. First, I always ask for my breaks and lunch. I am always told we will get to you or it's not time yet, even though in orientation I was told to do breaks at 3-4 hours and lunch before I hit 6 hours. Second, at my store the TL always checks on the problem when lights are blinking. Oh and I know that when they are just chatting it's.about nothing productive because they are speaking so loud we all can hear. Third, you seem to be the wushy washy one. First it's one weeks not long enough your answer to everything is quit. If you are going to respond just respond don't make an attempt to be a.asshole.
Let me give you more information so you can stop making assumptions. First, I always ask for my breaks and lunch. I am always told we will get to you or it's not time yet, even though in orientation I was told to do breaks at 3-4 hours and lunch before I hit 6 hours. Second, at my store the TL always checks on the problem when lights are blinking. Oh and I know that when they are just chatting it's.about nothing productive because they are speaking so loud we all can hear. Third, you seem to be the wushy washy one. First it's one weeks not long enough your answer to everything is quit. If you are going to respond just respond don't make an attempt to be a.asshole.

Then leave? You might as well be asking, "It hurts when I touch this bruise on my arm. What should I do?"
Yes cashiering at target is hard when it comes to it's repetitive nature. I think I would do better on the sales floor. I know the store since I frequent target as a consumer and I have always enjoyed zoning and stocking. Perhaps my experience as an employee is negative just because I really dislike the position. I have a meeting with HR tomorrow and will ask about a transfer since I know hardlines and softlines are really understaffed.
Believe me, most positions are repetitive. Try coming in and zoning the same aisles day after day. That will get old quick. And the rest of the store is likely just as hot as the rest of the front lanes. And the TLs may or may not do any more work in other areas. And you will feel just as under appreciated in any other department as well.

Target puts on a great show for the guests, and people expect it to carry over to their employment. But it sadly doesn't usually work out that way in reality. The employees are generally just like Walmart except we are in red....and people only think we are classier.
I would rather come and zone the same aisle every day then stand up front and scan. Its just my preference. I like to move around and walk a lot. I am actually moving to softlines next week. I guess I will see how it goes.
Every department has its perks and disadvantages. You'll learn this in softlines. Especially when you're folding a table and a guest immediately comes and destroys it. Or when you're constantly back up cashiering and your zone looks 'ratchet' :) Good luck though, I personally love zoning & softlines!
I'm sorry, but I almost have to laugh at your use of the word "ratchet" and description of cashiers sweating and fanning themselves as "tacky." Like really. Of all the things you could complain about, you're focused on others having natural bodily functions. What really were you expecting? Did you think this was Victoria's Secret or something and everyone came to work dressed to the nines? Why does that even concern you?
I had to think long and hard about my response to your post.
It's pretty clear that you are not comfortable in the cashiering position so that has affected your perspective but what I find troubling is your attitude towards your coworkers.
You pointed out that it was incredibly hot up front so their habit of fanning themselves is a given.
Their garrulous habits and topics of conversation obviously put you off, so I'm wondering why.
You use a word that tends to invoke the image of (as taken from the urban dictionary)

A diva, mostly from urban cities and ghettos, that has reason to believe she is every mans eye candy. Unfortunately, she's wrong.

Typical signs to beware of include, but are not limited to:
-owning a Blackberry
-BLARES anything by Drake, 2Chainz, Nicki Minaj, Gucci Mane, Waka Flocka, Lil Wayne, T-Pain, Cali Swag District, or any other garbage entertainment rapper
-rowdily quotes "lyrics" from aforementioned artists
-has a weave reminiscent of a bird's nest after a tempest hit the tree it was in, and is dyed at least thrice
-wears torn leggings/stalkings (mostly of the fishnet variety), unpolished 8" heels (or higher, depending on how God-awful they look), fitted jean jackets (to accent the blubber 'round their arms and stomach), and 4 layers of caked on make-up to go clubbing
-repeatedly use ludicrous terms such as "YOLO", "swag", "boost", "beaking", "doe", "really", "naw", "actually", "twerk", "coaster", "dagga", etc., to make a valid statement when they speak
-have side bangs, despite having incredibly small-ass foreheads to support them
-are commonly overweight
and are mind-numbingly stupid; a safe assumption to make would be saying they're uneducated (as if they could pass the 4th grade)

So are every on of your coworkers stupid or at least uneducated?
I've found that not to be true with most Targets, even when the TMs are talking smack a good number of them have degrees.
Are the topics based around personal matters that make you uncomfortable?
A hostile work environment is unacceptable and you should file a complaint with HR.
Is the environment one that you feel left out of, so you feel out of place?
As a new person that could change if you made an effort, you won't be the new person forever.
Are the topics ones you have no interest in and find off putting?
I have listened to people talk about football and other sports for years politely without being a dick about it.
I'm sure the gay members of this board are able to put up with TMs talking about "that hot woman/guy" the same way.
There are people who smile politely when I start talking about vinyl or Dr Who and I appreciate it.

This world spins and people can work side by side because we learn to forgive those little slights and differences.
I'll go ahead and read in between the lines and be the uncouth person who points out that the "ratchet" cashiers you're talking about are black, and you're not.

Yeah, I was trying to avoid that one despite a flag popping up for me too.
It's just that would lead to all kinds of heated disclaimers that probably would derail the thread entirely.
And it's possible that its cultural urban vs suburban, nontraditional vs. bourgeois,
I would rather come and zone the same aisle every day then stand up front and scan. Its just my preference. I like to move around and walk a lot. I am actually moving to softlines next week. I guess I will see how it goes.

If you're disturbed by how much the cashiers sweat, I don't know if you're going to like Sale Floor any better. Better avoid the back room while your at it. Or really any human interaction if you can help it.
I'll go ahead and read in between the lines and be the uncouth person who points out that the "ratchet" cashiers you're talking about are black, and you're not.

I haven't even considered that, but I wouldn't be surprised. I think Commie is more accurate with the "And it's possible that its cultural urban vs suburban, nontraditional vs. bourgeois," point. Or at least I hope so.
Well I am actually black so nothing I said was specific to race. In fact the store is extremely diverse and everybody just kind of acts the same. Maybe if I stick around long enough I'll eventually gain their "fuck this job" mentality and just won't care about how I represent target or how the guest precieve my service. What's really funny is I asked spoke to some of the ladies here and it turns out none of them want to work here. It actually confused me because they had been here so long. I went ahead and quit. If everyone is unhappy then I doubt it's a job I would enjoy doing no matter where they placed. Thanks for the feedback everyone and enjoy life at Target.
Also you guys should really learn to read in between the lines better or don't do it all. Everything isn't always about race. You all took the word ratchet and related it to a whole race of people. When in fact anybody of any race can be seen as ratchet.
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