Archived What are target job interviews like?

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Were you applying for Cashier? I didn't get any questions about RedCard or Cartwheel, though, I'm also signed up on both.
Yeah cashier and electronics dept. They asked if I had used either and my experience was with them, and if I'd be comfortable trying to push them, which I obviously was.
Yeah cashier and electronics dept. They asked if I had used either and my experience was with them, and if I'd be comfortable trying to push them, which I obviously was.
Ah, yeah, that makes sense. I had a discussion about if we pushed accessories at my store in Electronics but they said they didn't anymore due to guest displeasure. Nothing about the Red Card or Cartwheel, though. I'll have to ask at my orientation.
Thought I'd share my experience, as I'm going through the process now. Applied online, got a call from HR about two hours later to come in for an interview later in the week. Wore jeans, dress shoes, button up shirt and a tie. Interviewed with the team leader, and he asked almost exclusively questions that needed to be answered in the form of anecdotes from previous experiences, as well as questions about avalbility and whatnot and since they seemed very flexible I opened my schedule up almost completely. Went very well, was told I'd be called to schedule a second interview. Five days later got a call to come in later that week, and did. Wore different shirt and tie, and interviewed with someone else (not quite sure what role she played in the store). Second interview was pretty much the exact same questions, so I provided essentially the same answers. I think this also went well, but I was surprised at end when there was no mention of a drug test or background check, instead informing me that they "had several more interviews that day, and would be getting back to me." Not the most optimistic thing to hear. I'm guessing I'll get a rejection in a day or two, or maybe a call to come in again, hard to read. A pleasant and easy interviewing experience, though it does seem a little excessive for a cashier position.

Since you got a second interview you've probably got it. It just may take a few days for them to tell you for certain.

Were you applying for Cashier? I didn't get any questions about RedCard or Cartwheel, though, I'm also signed up on both.

I got those questions when applying for softlines. I guess because it can be talked about on the floor as well as at the cash register. I really talk it up when someone has a bunch of clothes ("Hey, what do you think about saving some money with that purchase? 5% off would certainly save you a few bucks. And it lowers your sales tax because that's based on what you actually pay, not the initial total. Even if you don't want another credit card, there's a no fee debit version.") or when someone is looking to put back a clearance item or two or when someone is doing a major baby hardlines purchase.
Since you got a second interview you've probably got it. It just may take a few days for them to tell you for certain.

I got those questions when applying for softlines. I guess because it can be talked about on the floor as well as at the cash register. I really talk it up when someone has a bunch of clothes ("Hey, what do you think about saving some money with that purchase? 5% off would certainly save you a few bucks. And it lowers your sales tax because that's based on what you actually pay, not the initial total. Even if you don't want another credit card, there's a no fee debit version.") or when someone is looking to put back a clearance item or two or when someone is doing a major baby hardlines purchase.

That's actually a good plan, Jenna. It's always helpful to focus on what a Guest needs and what things could benefit them in addition to the store. Someone with a ton of clothes who gets a RedCard and saves 5% could really change their experience. 5% doesn't really seem like a lot but for some people it can really make a difference, especially in large purchases. Also, like you mentioned, it can be a bit help in higher sales tax areas.
If I get a nibble (rather than a "no thanks" or "I've already got one") for the debit version, I let them know that if they don't have a check they can go to Guest Services and they'll assist in signing up online. That still gives us one towards our nightly goal.
Since you got a second interview you've probably got it. It just may take a few days for them to tell you for certain.

Well I hope so but I am afraid you are oversimplifying the process.

A lot of people pass the first interview and don't pass the second... while most team leads will pass on someone who they like and figure they can train most ETLs will tell you they will hire someone who can help them hit metrics (sell redcards, sell attachments)

"We will be in touch" is often what someone is told before they get a rejection email.

Not all hope is lost though, sometimes the etl is in the process of several interview s (hence the we will be in touch), they then have HR call the cream of the crop for a job offer.
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If I get a nibble (rather than a "no thanks" or "I've already got one") for the debit version, I let them know that if they don't have a check they can go to Guest Services and they'll assist in signing up online. That still gives us one towards our nightly goal.

I heard they can do it on their phone and show you the barcode for the 5%. If not you can give it manually.
Well I hope so but I am afraid you are oversimplifying the process.

A lot of people pass the first interview and don't pass the second... while most team leads will pass on someone who they like and figure they can train most ETLs will tell you they will hire someone who can help them hit metrics (sell redcards, sell attachments)

"We will be in touch" is often what someone is told before they get a rejection email.

Not all hope is lost though, sometimes the etl is in the process of several interview s (hence the we will be in touch), they then have HR call the cream of the crop for a job offer.

Call it wishful thinking but I also think the person I did my second interview with wasn't the person it was supposed to be (when I first got there they said something like "hmmm I'm not sure if he's in yet today..." and I ended up interviewing with a younger woman who said she was only there temporarily. So who knows maybe I've got to "get approved" or come in again, either way I'll share the experience as it comes.
I applied to target online today just want to know if they do over the phone onterview i heard they do that if they do what would they say? And what are some questions they ask at the real? How would you answer them?

they're situational questions. don't worry about it, you'll get hired. not a reflection on you but Target will hire anybody.
Call it wishful thinking but I also think the person I did my second interview with wasn't the person it was supposed to be (when I first got there they said something like "hmmm I'm not sure if he's in yet today..." and I ended up interviewing with a younger woman who said she was only there temporarily. So who knows maybe I've got to "get approved" or come in again, either way I'll share the experience as it comes.
Only certain people can actually extend an offer. Sounds like one of those people was expected, but wasn't there.
ASANTS but I do not just hire "anybody". 7 months in position and I have not hired a single applicant. I have two that were interviewed and hired by other team leads that are completley worthless. I very kindly informed my hrtm that no one but me will interview for my department, if they can't make it when I'm there then it isn't worth it to them, nor do they have the availability that I need.
I turn down way more interviews than I pass. We get a lot of applications, so I really just look for those 'Target-ye' FFF people. Dedication to delivering on metrics is big to me, but so is being a genuine kind and thought out person.
Only certain people can actually extend an offer. Sounds like one of those people was expected, but wasn't there.
Yeah, it was certainly that way at my store. The interviewer said she wanted to hire me but had to bring someone higher up in order to actually do it.

I turn down way more interviews than I pass. We get a lot of applications, so I really just look for those 'Target-ye' FFF people. Dedication to delivering on metrics is big to me, but so is being a genuine kind and thought out person.

That's generally a good way to be, I think. It's important to have people on the team who are generally kind, thoughtful and open because they're the ones who are going to be able to handle both normal guests and problematic guests better.
they're situational questions. don't worry about it, you'll get hired. not a reflection on you but Target will hire anybody.

Again that is a flat out lie. Just because some sucky people make it thru interviews and get hired and end up failing does not mean Target hires anyone. We turn down a lot of people you just don't know because you aren't in leadership or hr.

Some people do exceptional in their interview but end up being a bum. It happens in a lot of industries

ASANTS but I do not just hire "anybody". 7 months in position and I have not hired a single applicant. I have two that were interviewed and hired by other team leads that are completley worthless. I very kindly informed my hrtm that no one but me will interview for my department, if they can't make it when I'm there then it isn't worth it to them, nor do they have the availability that I need.

Yeah I definitely aim for this. However if I schedule an interview and you call out or are busy that day i don't cancel or make the person come back. I have a person higher up the ladder do it.
I turn down way more interviews than I pass. We get a lot of applications, so I really just look for those 'Target-ye' FFF people. Dedication to delivering on metrics is big to me, but so is being a genuine kind and thought out person.

Yup I think as a gstl a cashier who is a no to both of these questions is a turndown.

Can they sell red cards?

Can they make a previously unhappy guest leave satisfied and feeling good?
Again that is a flat out lie. Just because some sucky people make it thru interviews and get hired and end up failing does not mean Target hires anyone. We turn down a lot of people you just don't know because you aren't in leadership or hr.

Some people do exceptional in their interview but end up being a bum. It happens in a lot of industries

It's true, some people have a very amazing ability to 'sell' themselves in interviews with no real desire or ability to do the work involved. There are a lot of people like that in the world, unfortunately, especially if they believe that they can get into a position where they can have other people essentially do their jobs for them. I have other friends in retail who have wound up with higher-ups who quite literally just stand around chatting with each other about things while taking none of the responsibility for the team cohesion or the division of labor within the stores they're working at.
Ok, I'm terrible at idea how to quote and respond to post...but, I am never not available. I do not call out, as an LOD you work your shift whether you feel like death or not. My problem is when I see an interview file in a mailbox saying that said applicant isn't available during xxx time, please interview for another TL or ETL. For MY departments. No. I need to build a team, not the (apparently more than one) airhead that I don't even know how h/s has a job. And Breathe.
Since you got a second interview you've probably got it. It just may take a few days for them to tell you for certain.

I got those questions when applying for softlines. I guess because it can be talked about on the floor as well as at the cash register. I really talk it up when someone has a bunch of clothes ("Hey, what do you think about saving some money with that purchase? 5% off would certainly save you a few bucks. And it lowers your sales tax because that's based on what you actually pay, not the initial total. Even if you don't want another credit card, there's a no fee debit version.") or when someone is looking to put back a clearance item or two or when someone is doing a major baby hardlines purchase.
This isn't true-- redcard comes off pre sales tax. Though 100% baby hardlines is the BEST for getting them as they know they'll be coming back for other expensive baby stuff.
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This isn't true-- redcard comes off pre sales tax.

Exactly. It comes off before the tax does. So for example you buy something for $100. The red card takes off $5. The sales tax is figured based on $95, not $100. So a mythical 5% tax, the tax would come to $5 without a red card, but it would be only $4.75 with a red card. So it does lower your sales tax.

I worked at a place for a very short time (boss was punishing me for being disabled) where they offered a rewards program. People would buy $12 worth of stuff, present their $10 rewards and it was clear as day that the sales tax was based off of the remaining $2, not the $12. I asked about it and that's when I learned that the state bases the tax off of what the person actually pays, not the price of the item.
Again that is a flat out lie. Just because some sucky people make it thru interviews and get hired and end up failing does not mean Target hires anyone. We turn down a lot of people you just don't know because you aren't in leadership or hr.

maybe your store can afford to be picky about new hires but ours is not. I've worked with a lot of shady individuals and quite a few that were worthless as TM's. Our turnover rate is predictably high too which means we're always scrambling to find bodies.
We are hiring just about anybody at my store. I live in an area with many Targets, so other (lower volume) stores have been kicking their applicants to us. Some are willing to drive to our store, some aren't. When I got hired in 2014, they were pickier but I suppose they could afford to be. We have so many new people I wind up seeing folks I don't know yet every time I work. I'd say slightly less than half are good workers and the rest...well let's just say we could do without them.
Exactly. It comes off before the tax does. So for example you buy something for $100. The red card takes off $5. The sales tax is figured based on $95, not $100. So a mythical 5% tax, the tax would come to $5 without a red card, but it would be only $4.75 with a red card. So it does lower your sales tax.

I worked at a place for a very short time (boss was punishing me for being disabled) where they offered a rewards program. People would buy $12 worth of stuff, present their $10 rewards and it was clear as day that the sales tax was based off of the remaining $2, not the $12. I asked about it and that's when I learned that the state bases the tax off of what the person actually pays, not the price of the item.
Sorry-- I misunderstood your previous post. I got what you mean now.
:) Hi everyone. I was just hired for a cashier position. My interview was great. I interviewed with one Team Leader. She was funny and friendly. It was low key and relaxed. She asked basic interview questions with an emphasis on attendance, punctuality and my willingness and comfort level in offering the REDcard. She said she wanted me to interview with a second manager. I assumed it would be scheduled for another day but she said she would be right back. She brought in a second manager who interviewed me and I was offered the job right then and there. I liked their positive attitudes and they both seemed like genuinely nice people.

I have only worked one day so far, which consisted of 2 1/2 hours of computer based training and a follow up quiz, one hour at Customer Service with a trainer, one hour at Self Checkout and then I was put on a checkout lane on my own for two hours. I felt a little awkward at first but got comfortable pretty quick. I was impressed that there seemed to be true teamwork going on around me. Everyone was so helpful. "Fast, fun and friendly" is their motto. I enjoyed every step of the hiring process and my first day.:D
So update: After doing my second interview last Wednesday I've yet to hear back from Target. I called HR this morning (they said their HR person wasn't and took a message) but never got a call back. No rejection email either. How common is this?
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