Archived What is a coversion score ?

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Probably REDCard conversion rate. As in, guests you've "converted" to using the REDCard
Your conversion rate of getting people to apply for the RedCard. This has been phased out though so it should not be in use any longer.
In the past, the register would prompt you to ask if the guest wanted to open a Red Card. The prompts would come up under certain conditions (total amount due, payment method, etc.). The formula for conversion was completed applications per 100 prompts, divided by two because Target doesn't understand how percents work.

As defang said, conversion is no longer used. Now the important metric is just the number of Red Card applications completed.
With self service red cards are hard to get .

We actually had a guest sign up for a Red Card on a self checkout machine last night. I have no idea how it worked or why the guest would want to go through that, but it happened.
Actually, I was looking around last night and found that conversion is still calculated. It's based off of the number of prompts that would have popped up if we had prompts. I compared our conversion score to our RC score and we are red in conversion, but green in RC apps. So I think this works better.

We actually had a guest sign up for a Red Card on a self checkout machine last night. I have no idea how it worked or why the guest would want to go through that, but it happened.

How? Ours freeze when you scan the barcode on the application.
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