I really hate that they're making me do this, to be honest. It was a last minute decision that I was only made aware of at the end of my shift the day before. The last few days I've just been helping out on the floor, zoning and pushing cafs. Tonight I'll be leading the zone, technically, but i expect to just help them out. Luckily, I have a great team that works hard, so I really don't feel the need to check in on them or anything.
I agree completely. I hate that they 'put me in charge'. It makes me really uncomfortable to be put in a position of leadership. And I can and HAVE seen bad things happen as a result of this very situation. What really gets me, is that they put me in charge of the floor when I've never even worked a single salesfloor shift. Not to mention there are several people that have been there way longer than I have. So how is it that they thought I would be the logical choice? Stupid. I know that the team I'm supposed to be 'leading' is much more knowledgable than I am. That's why I've been working alongside the team, helping them out, rather than walking around and telling them what to do.
This is so stupid. As many have said, it's just a way to exploit team members to work harder for no increase in pay. To make them feel good about themselves. I'm just gonna ride this week out, helping my fellow TMs as much as possible, and count off the days until I can return to my lovely electronics department and team 😀