Archived What should I expect?

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Jun 14, 2011
I was informed during the last 15 minutes of my shift yesterday that, while our electronics/Hardlines TL is on vacation this week, I'll be taking over his shifts. I've never worked salesfloor at all, just electronics, so I'm not really sure what my duties will be as TL. I wasn't really given much advice or tips from my TL, given that it was a last minute thing. Anyone have some pointers? I have two opening and one closing shift, and would appreciate a breakdown of what the TLs do throughout the day. I'm pretty nervous! :S
My guess, since you are only working 3 days is that you are filling his shifts. You'll probably just be blue side and if you are familiar with setting sales planners or revisions you might do those also. Don't worry, your not going to get TL responsibility.
Talk to your etl for help & task list. Hopefully, you know some floor basics. Like doing salesplanners, doing ptm or Plano stuff, etc.
you should respond all gs stuff. Doing all above, may lead to bigger things for you.
I absolutely detest it when ETLs pull stunts like this. "You are acting TL until X" It is complete BS. First of all, the TM who is "acting TL" gets no pay increase. They are not keyed in the system as a TL. They have been given zero authority as a supervisor. It is simply a way for ETLs to make a TM feel special and motivated to do extra tasks for no money, but at the expense of alienating half the team and creating hard feelings. Furthermore, a lot of TMs seems to get it in their heads this means they now supervise TMs and start walking around giving orders. Usually this results in a lot of hard bitterness among the team, which is already compounded by the fact that TMs are already pissed about the special treatment a TM is getting by being made "acting TL". (they don't understand that that TM has no actual supervisor authority)

The proper course of action is for an ETL to say "Hey, X TL is out right now. Here is a list of tasks I need you to complete" OR assign his departments to an actual TL/SrTL. Saying "you are acting TL" creates huge issues, at least from my experience. And as a "real" TL it is incredibly awkward for other TLs when we have to tell some of these TMs to knock it off when they start pulling crazy stunts like going in the TL offices or getting on the walkie and giving TMs contrary instructions to what we have given them.

Last time this happened at my store it was with a 16 year old TM who was "acting TL". He started walking the floor and "checking on" everyone. Eventually he decided to check on me, an actual freaking TL! I was merchandising a flex aisle and he comes walking up to me and starts asking me what I was doing. I tell him what I am doing. (not fully realizing what he is pulling yet) He leans up against the aisle with his arms crossed and says "looks fun". (at this point I am thinking WTF?) Then he says "well, you need to get your stray done pretty soon" and walks off.

Long story short the ETL-HR and I ended up coaching him in the office that day.
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I absolutely detest it when ETLs pull stunts like this. "You are acting TL until X" It is complete BS. First of all, the TM who is "acting TL" gets no pay increase. They are not keyed in the system as a TL. They have been given zero authority as a supervisor. It is simply a way for ETLs to make a TM feel special and motivated to do extra tasks for no money, but at the expense of alienating half the team and creating hard feelings. Furthermore, a lot of TMs seems to get it in their heads this means they now supervise TMs and start walking around giving orders. Usually this results in a lot of hard bitterness among the team, which is already compounded by the fact that TMs are already pissed about the special treatment a TM is getting by being made "acting TL". (they don't understand that that TM has no actual supervisor authority)

The proper course of action is for an ETL to say "Hey, X TL is out right now. Here is a list of tasks I need you to complete" OR assign his departments to an actual TL/SrTL. Saying "you are acting TL" creates huge issues, at least from my experience. And as a "real" TL it is incredibly awkward for other TLs when we have to tell some of these TMs to knock it off when they start pulling crazy stunts like going in the TL offices or getting on the walkie and giving TMs contrary instructions to what we have given them.

Last time this happened at my store it was with a 16 year old TM who was "acting TL". He started walking the floor and "checking on" everyone. Eventually he decided to check on me, an actual freaking TL! I was merchandising a flex aisle and he comes walking up to me and starts asking me what I was doing. I tell him what I am doing. (not fully realizing what he is pulling yet) He leans up against the aisle with his arms crossed and says "looks fun". (at this point I am thinking WTF?) Then he says "well, you need to get your stray done pretty soon" and walks off.

Long story short the ETL-HR and I ended up coaching him in the office that day.

haha hilarious

bet he learned a good lesson ;D
Most likely you'll just be covering shifts. Worst case you'll be dumped with a bunch of salesplanners.
Expect nothing. Its sheer manipulation, an attempt to motivate you with misleading suggestions of potential growth. It means you will be expected to do more work(slightly), for no pay benefit. Come performance review time, it won't be remembered and you will still likely get only the standard 5 cent raise that Target somehow sees as a legitimate reward for a year of service.
I absolutely detest it when ETLs pull stunts like this. "You are acting TL until X" It is complete BS. First of all, the TM who is "acting TL" gets no pay increase. They are not keyed in the system as a TL. They have been given zero authority as a supervisor. It is simply a way for ETLs to make a TM feel special and motivated to do extra tasks for no money, but at the expense of alienating half the team and creating hard feelings. Furthermore, a lot of TMs seems to get it in their heads this means they now supervise TMs and start walking around giving orders. Usually this results in a lot of hard bitterness among the team, which is already compounded by the fact that TMs are already pissed about the special treatment a TM is getting by being made "acting TL". (they don't understand that that TM has no actual supervisor authority)

The proper course of action is for an ETL to say "Hey, X TL is out right now. Here is a list of tasks I need you to complete" OR assign his departments to an actual TL/SrTL. Saying "you are acting TL" creates huge issues, at least from my experience. And as a "real" TL it is incredibly awkward for other TLs when we have to tell some of these TMs to knock it off when they start pulling crazy stunts like going in the TL offices or getting on the walkie and giving TMs contrary instructions to what we have given them.

Last time this happened at my store it was with a 16 year old TM who was "acting TL". He started walking the floor and "checking on" everyone. Eventually he decided to check on me, an actual freaking TL! I was merchandising a flex aisle and he comes walking up to me and starts asking me what I was doing. I tell him what I am doing. (not fully realizing what he is pulling yet) He leans up against the aisle with his arms crossed and says "looks fun". (at this point I am thinking WTF?) Then he says "well, you need to get your stray done pretty soon" and walks off.

Long story short the ETL-HR and I ended up coaching him in the office that day.

I really hate that they're making me do this, to be honest. It was a last minute decision that I was only made aware of at the end of my shift the day before. The last few days I've just been helping out on the floor, zoning and pushing cafs. Tonight I'll be leading the zone, technically, but i expect to just help them out. Luckily, I have a great team that works hard, so I really don't feel the need to check in on them or anything.

I agree completely. I hate that they 'put me in charge'. It makes me really uncomfortable to be put in a position of leadership. And I can and HAVE seen bad things happen as a result of this very situation. What really gets me, is that they put me in charge of the floor when I've never even worked a single salesfloor shift. Not to mention there are several people that have been there way longer than I have. So how is it that they thought I would be the logical choice? Stupid. I know that the team I'm supposed to be 'leading' is much more knowledgable than I am. That's why I've been working alongside the team, helping them out, rather than walking around and telling them what to do.

This is so stupid. As many have said, it's just a way to exploit team members to work harder for no increase in pay. To make them feel good about themselves. I'm just gonna ride this week out, helping my fellow TMs as much as possible, and count off the days until I can return to my lovely electronics department and team 😀
I really hate that they're making me do this, to be honest. It was a last minute decision that I was only made aware of at the end of my shift the day before. The last few days I've just been helping out on the floor, zoning and pushing cafs. Tonight I'll be leading the zone, technically, but i expect to just help them out. Luckily, I have a great team that works hard, so I really don't feel the need to check in on them or anything.

I agree completely. I hate that they 'put me in charge'. It makes me really uncomfortable to be put in a position of leadership. And I can and HAVE seen bad things happen as a result of this very situation. What really gets me, is that they put me in charge of the floor when I've never even worked a single salesfloor shift. Not to mention there are several people that have been there way longer than I have. So how is it that they thought I would be the logical choice? Stupid. I know that the team I'm supposed to be 'leading' is much more knowledgable than I am. That's why I've been working alongside the team, helping them out, rather than walking around and telling them what to do.

This is so stupid. As many have said, it's just a way to exploit team members to work harder for no increase in pay. To make them feel good about themselves. I'm just gonna ride this week out, helping my fellow TMs as much as possible, and count off the days until I can return to my lovely electronics department and team 😀

good for you! You have the right way of looking at it - just do your best, and the time will pass quickly. It's one of those things where you can't win, but if you work hard - you will be proud of yourself.
the worst part of the situation is that while you will get a temporary pay increase, you will not be given any benefit improvement during your temporary promotion, meaning you won't get tuition reiumbursement, more vacation, more personal holiday hours, more sick pay, more holiday pay, nor any other improvement other than the hourly increase
I was informed during the last 15 minutes of my shift yesterday that, while our electronics/Hardlines TL is on vacation this week, I'll be taking over his shifts. I've never worked salesfloor at all, just electronics, so I'm not really sure what my duties will be as TL. I wasn't really given much advice or tips from my TL, given that it was a last minute thing. Anyone have some pointers? I have two opening and one closing shift, and would appreciate a breakdown of what the TLs do throughout the day. I'm pretty nervous! :S
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