What store do you guys work at?

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Edited so I won't get fired.
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[warning=Warning] The Break Room does not recommend that you share your IRL name, store number or pictures because Spot is not fond of this site.
They have shut us down in the past and monitor us constantly. Your boss could be here right now.
We talk about things like unions, which they really don't like.
Some of you might not care but we would feel bad if you lost your job because we didn't warn you.[/warning]
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Good try, OP. Good try.

Please tell me this is a joke you were just talking about how you want to have sex with an ETL in that other Forum thread and now you post your store number...WTF you must be new or just plain dumb either way watch the door on your way out bud.
Help me bruh. I don't want to get fired. My wife would kill me. What do?
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