Archived what's the diff. between sales floor and hardline?

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Aug 6, 2012
I dont get what the difference is...
I see hardline stocking and zoning their area and sales doing the same?
salesfloor is hardlines & softlines is one section. backroom is another section. frontend is another section. pharmacy is one section. ap is one section. but, most of store footage is salesfloor, hardlines, softlines & frontend.
in a super target, market is one section, hardlines is one section, softlines is one section, then front end is one secton.
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Hardline IS part of salesfloor. Salesfloor Hardlines and Salesfloor Softlines.
Also, unless it's an extremely low volume store, sales floor TMs don't "stock" per se. You probably just saw them putting away reshop. Or "go-backs" as I've seen some people on here call it.
The guys who do the pulls from the back...i forget what they're job title is...they generally do the stocking.
Thanks for quick reply! Im guessing the reason for having sales is to back up either hard or softline where they need more help...
I am just a seasonal cashier right now but planning to stay if they let me, and would like to crosstrain or transfer to hardline. Is it easy to go hardline right after cashiering or is there a path like i have to go get trained in gs or other places before hardline?

Sorry if the question sounds dumb but retail is so confusing!
From my understanding, most stores will crosstrain you pretty much anywhere you ask. Except maybe the pharmacy, if your store has one.
I started out in HL, then SL, then asked them to train me in Electronics. And I believe every team member, no matter what area you're working in is trained to use the register. But the ones who use it often are more efficient with it. Don't expect too many backroom employees to know everything about the register. lol 😛
Idk at my store (super-t), Hardlines works in dry grocery mostly (including the HLTL) while the SFTMs and SFTLs handle all non-grocery/non-softlines sales floor.... And yeah we also have Market on the grid, they pretty much work back in the cooler/freezer area all day.
The sales floor includes Hardlines, Softlines, and Market. My store generally uses the Sales Floor workcenter for our Cosmetics Brand TM and whoever is working in Shoes (we haven't had a Brand TM over there since Q4 last year).
I think it varies from store to store, I work at a very small store. I'm a cashier and frequently do reshop/zoning during low traffic times that a HLTM would do, got handed a PDA one day and was taught how to use it and sent off on my way lol.
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Some stores schedule all TMs under "Sales Floor" workcenter and go from there. It's called being flexible!
In our store Market is considered a different workcenter than salesfloor. For instance all this week I'm scheduled in Market. Next week 2 days on sf and the rest in mkt.
Thanks all. I didnt expect all the target stores to have so much different ways of doing stuff. I work in super target that's pretty busy so i guess that is why we have sales floor tm in addition to hardline softline and produce tm.
Hardline IS part of salesfloor. Salesfloor Hardlines and Salesfloor Softlines.
Also, unless it's an extremely low volume store, sales floor TMs don't "stock" per se. You probably just saw them putting away reshop. Or "go-backs" as I've seen some people on here call it.
The guys who do the pulls from the back...i forget what they're job title is...they generally do the stockings.

Uh that's actually not typical. Backroom shouldn't typically be pushing pulls. That's a part of salesfloor's core roles. I've worked at A volume stores and ulv. Both types had salesfloor push pulls
Uh that's actually not typical. Backroom shouldn't typically be pushing pulls. That's a part of salesfloor's core roles. I've worked at A volume stores and ulv. Both types had salesfloor push pulls

I wish we had it that way......even the ETL's laugh about it......but like this past weekend, when it is taking you 45 minutes each hour to do the pulls, what chance do you have to ever get it out?
My store using the workcenter salesfloor for people strictly working on projects. For example if someone is just working on zoning shoes, they will be scheduled salesfloor, instead of softlines. I was scheduled as salesfloor during fourth quarter last year when I was the Salesplanner captain.
We use Salesfloor for all the salesfloor tms/tls. Hardlines for cosmetics brand tm and softlines for their brand tm's.
Yeah I am in a high volume store, and all Hardlines/softlines TM's push the CAF pulls. Instocks will push the PTM's, and help out with CAF pulls when they are done shooting and pushing PTM's. Backroom only pushes the very last hour of CAF so the evening TM's can start their zones at a decent time. In my store "Salesfloor" hours are used for our Entertainment Brand TM for Tune In Tuesday and the night before so he can set up new releases (all other days he is scheduled in Electronics), and also used for the Sr. TL's when they are the LOD that day.
My store schedules everyone on the floor under Sales Floor, with the exceptions of: Softlines Brand TMS under SL, Cosmetics Brand under Zone (along with the other members of the Zone team, who come in to work on CAFS and sometimes strays), and Market for CTL, PAs and regular Market TMs. Hardlines is used for ad takedown/setup/prep. Entertainment Brand TM is under Presentation.
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