Archived When does break start?

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Apr 23, 2015
i work flow with a 6am start. We get our break at 9am. We are in market at this time which is towards the back of the store. Now when our TL calls break does it start when he calls or when we actually get up to the breakroom? I don't think it's fair when we are called for break and by the time we get to the damn breakroom we have 12 minutes left.
wow I hope you stock faster then you walk,the only time I see our flow team moving fast is when they are going on break.
In my Opionion that is not fair. Why would break start when we are towards the back of the store? There's also been a few times when I've had a box in my hand stocking a shelf and was told that break already started. What the hell?
In my Opionion that is not fair. Why would break start when we are towards the back of the store? There's also been a few times when I've had a box in my hand stocking a shelf and was told that break already started. What the hell?
Think of it this way: if it starts when your TL calls it, it also stops when they call it. If you walk from market and back to market you have gotten the correct amount of time between calls.

Its no different than getting stuck in line on break buying lunch behind the person getting a redcard or arguing something dumb. Or stopped by guests and tms every five seconds after punching out for lunch. Some days you just have to grab your snack/drink get it down and head back out there.
It is also the case that in the vast majority of states those fifteen minute breaks are not legally mandated and you are being paid during that time, so it begins and ends when Target says it does. It is merely a company policy and it begins when you walk away from your workcenter and ends when you return (depending on the strictness of your TL). The lunch breaks off the clock are an entirely different animal since you aren't being paid for that time.
When I was on Flow, our old TL would tell us the break started when the lights came on at 8am (drop whatever you're doing), and you should be back to work within 18 minutes. 90 seconds to get to the break room, 15 full minutes of break, then another 90 seconds to get back. That is probably the fairest way to do it for Flow.
For me break started when I walked past the time clock (we only had one which was next to the break room).
The rule was the same for when I clocked out for lunch, it would be the same for break.
Breaks start when they're called out unfortunately but we all call our own breaks out because there is a break schedule and we do not always get to leave the floor right at that time. We have some team members where I will cover for them not call out their breaks till about 15 min later then go on a 30 min break for a 15 or a 45 min for a lunch, meanwhile I'm back there covering for 45 min to an hour. I started calling out their breaks when they handed me the keys cause that's crap. Lol. They're being watched so it's whatever but still everyone wants long breaks but we stick to the time given ..well the few of us at my store anyways :rolleyes:
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Why stop at breaks? Why doesn't target pay us as soon as we leave the house, and pay for our time to commute?!
I don't start counting my break until guests can't see me. I've called my break over walkie before walking to the break room and been stopped by guests or gsa for backup or price checks. I started waiting until I actually get near the time clock to call it now. Or I'll call it in sight of the gsa so they call someone else for backup.

My store's kinda lax about the break thing.
When I was a cashier, breaks started when I left my lane and ended when I got back to it. When I was on the sales floor, breaks started once I was offstage. Lunches, on the other hand, didn't actually start until I punched out.
I don't start counting my break until guests can't see me. I've called my break over walkie before walking to the break room and been stopped by guests or gsa for backup or price checks. I started waiting until I actually get near the time clock to call it now. Or I'll call it in sight of the gsa so they call someone else for backup.

My store's kinda lax about the break thing.

Haha that's happened to me before after I've called it. I just get back on the walkie and say OK got stopped by a guest NOW I'm going on my break
When i was a cashier breaks started when you left your register. Although i considered my break to start when i sat my butt down in the break room, as when i would be walking to the break room i would have customers that would ask questions, or want help with something (I couldn't tell another co-worker a customer needed help as i didn't have a walkie)
Some of the managers didn't like my ideas of breaks though as one GSA yelled at me in front of a customer.

Don't even get me started when they started timing breaks. :>
You're not even there when the alarm rings, seemed kind of pointless to me
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Why stop at breaks? Why doesn't target pay us as soon as we leave the house, and pay for our time to commute?!
Or while we're getting dressed. Some police forces have a "donning/doffing" clause - time spent by officers donning and doffing their uniforms and equipment is compensable, because it is integral and indispensable to their police duties.

We have to wear special uniforms, so we should be paid for getting dressed, right?
After I drop the Mydevice I am using for the day in charging cradle. We charge on breaks and lunches.
I agree with most of you in here. Drives me nuts when I'm in the back room and I'm told break starts now.
its a 15 minute paid break to not work. walking to the breakroom and back you are not working.

normally i'm fine with someone looking at the clock and then coming out after 15. but this turns 15 minutes into 30 minutes breaks because of course they also had a guest every way and tacked that time. the only way a 15 is a 15 is to be like this.
Really? You think not counting the time to walk to the break room is the equivalent of taking a 30 minute 15 for everyone? If you get stopped, you get stopped. If you get stopped EVERYDAY, though, that's not realistic.

I try not to worry about other people's breaks, though... Unless I'm covering their break. Otherwise, idc. That's for leadership to worry about and bring about discipline. I'm not gonna snitch, but also not gonna help them cover it up. I just worry about myself when it comes to work.
I'm wondering if there is an actually policy in the handbook or something that states when breaks starts. I'd assumed there would be, but I didn't read the everything in detail that they gave me at orientation.

I'm on the sales floor and I normally announce on the walkie that my break has started when I get to the TSC, but I say hello to guests along the way because they don't know I am heading to my break and since there are so few people working I might be one of the only person they see during their shopping trip so I don't want them to feel like I am ignoring them. But that walk normally takes about thirty seconds unless someone needs help so not a huge amount of time. Plus I am normally pretty good about only taking the fifteen/thirty minutes so I think those thirty seconds that I am greeting people shouldn't count towards my break.
As another person stated, my break starts when I put my my device on the cradle. has to be charged every break/lunch
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