Archived When is Seasonal over?

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Dec 1, 2015
When exactly is the time period for Winter Seasonals over?

Also is there such thing as Summer Seasonal hiring with Target?
There are both. If you are not being kept on, you would get a letter now or within 3 weeks. Summer seasonal stuff starts end of May/early June.
Every store is different.
Thank you Hardlinesmaster. I had a noshow/nocall where I had my days mixed up and I didn't think they were going to keep me. Had posted about this on another thread where people said that if it was their store I would not be kept on as seasonal. So I went in to speak to my HR Hiring manager and she said that it was ok but to make sure that it does not happen again. Then she said something that gave me a red flag.. She said that someone else said that I said that since they scheduled me wrong I just won't come on in on the days that are wrong. I thought that was unprofessional to tell me about this "he-said-she-said" thing. It really caused me to view the others there at Target suspiciously, although my gut tells me that it may be something this hiring manager just made up for whatever reason.

In any case, I went on to fill out some job apps and got an interview with another company and went in, got hired on the spot. It's a seasonal position in a tax office, so I'm thinking that I could either work through until the end of the season, which is now, or propose a leave of abscence until the other seasonal job is over and then possibly return to Target. What do you think?
Yeah target is not a really professional work place. Just to many kids straight out of school who have never really worked and have no idea what professional truly is. This is from the perspective of a just over 40 female who has 25 years of work experience.
Yeah target is not a really professional work place. Just to many kids straight out of school who have never really worked and have no idea what professional truly is. This is from the perspective of a just over 40 female who has 25 years of work experience.
It's like high school. Legit.
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