Archived Where can I get the 2 weeks form?

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Nov 28, 2011
Hey all, been with target for more than 5+ years and all the new things they keep adding, (some of) the management, and the team members that act like they're amazing when all they do is stand around and talk with each other.

I was wondering where I could find the paper work/form on workbench or eHR for putting in your 2 week notice, would appreciate it if possible if I could get it without dealing with hr or a TL or ETL
It's called a voluntary termination & you'd have to get it from an hrtm; not something you can print out.

Annie, got your ears on?
Or....write a brief note telling HR that you will be leaving the company....and when your last day will be....then hand it in and all is finished.

This way you get your information to HR without having to deal with anyone.....or having HR try to talk you into staying!
Or....write a brief note telling HR that you will be leaving the company....and when your last day will be....then hand it in and all is finished.

This way you get your information to HR without having to deal with anyone.....or having HR try to talk you into staying!

I did this and I was still required to fill out the termination form. I guess it depends on your store's policies.
You will still have to fill out the voluntary termination form. If you have insurance and/or a 401K they have to know what you are going to do with those. You can get the form from an Exec if no HR is around.
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