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  1. Dying Sun

    Archived Fantasy Target

    Where do I fit in in all this ;)
  2. Dying Sun

    Archived May be giving my two weeks notice tomorrow

    Do whats best for you and your family. I don't know if you will be working your last two weeks or not but either or it doesn't matter. if you get the job make like the Kolaghan and dash dash dash.
  3. Dying Sun

    Archived do cart attendants ever get promoted

    join the club mate i absoutly dispise cashiering, but hours are hours
  4. Dying Sun

    Archived What is Selflessness?

    o_Oyou next leveled me commie GG. :)
  5. Dying Sun

    Archived Closing time

    this is just depressing but it goes to show that those of us who have opened stores form bonds that transcend a coworker relationship. those of us who remain from those days become close friends and it gives the store a more family like atmosphere. If any of our bretheren up north see this, fair...
  6. Dying Sun

    Archived What is Selflessness?

    ummmm, am i the only one who's alarm bells are ringing here. I understand they are one of our people but...... you know what screw it i'm just gonna make like the Kolaghan and dash. (runs screaming into the night)
  7. Dying Sun

    Archived How do you deal with the stress?

    I just get really quiet and keep my thoughts and emotions in check. As im known around my store for always vocal, everyone has learned that if i get really quiet all of a sudden just back off and come find me about two hours later and im back to my old self.
  8. Dying Sun

    Archived Layoffs at HQ

    this just goes to show that there is still hope for us all. And that even though we may all hate the company at this point we are still united by a common bond.
  9. Dying Sun

    Archived No Hours

    our store is in dire straights at this point. my hours have fallen to 14-15 for the last month and a half. usually im able to hawk the swap board and recoup but this time is different, no one is putting up shifts cause were all in the same boat. who can live on 14 hours a week, no one, but as...
  10. Dying Sun

    Archived In a pickle

    OP, the way that this is reading it sounds like some kind of cover up. all I can tell you is that keep to your word. Every lie has a loose thread that unravels the whole thing once pulled. look back through your documentation for a common discrepancy, spot is really good at BSing people but no...
  11. Dying Sun

    Archived Not Allowed to Text Other TMs?

    bullshit... i call massive amounts of bullshit
  12. Dying Sun

    Archived Our New In-Store Policy

    I thank my lucky stars that I got off the lanes when I did. being over in café however they have started jumping down my ass again about why im not getting redcards over there. wtf am I supposed to say " yes valued guest, would you like to save five percent on that bag of popcorn? you know how...
  13. Dying Sun

    Archived Our New In-Store Policy

    preach it commie :)
  14. Dying Sun

    Archived To Target Management, your thoughts?

    open your eyes mate. its about to take a nosedive straight to the bottom if we don't stabilize it NOW! To the OP, I have been told that im to trusting and forgiving, but I believe that everyone has the potential for redemption. target not so much. you would be better off at another company...
  15. Dying Sun

    Archived Another thread about Red Cards, dating, and how to check your schedule from home

    oh shoot no dating gossip ok off to another thread. oh wait, this is tbr not my blasted store haha. oy sick of the gossip that flies around my neck of the woods
  16. Dying Sun

    Archived Fantasy Target

    ...a good one" shaking my head as I walk toward TSC, I cant help but think that im forgetting something. Ah probably just my head messing with me again. Then I see HLM and Commie wheeling Dan into the AP office. looking down at my weapons I start to wonder...... What the flying F*ck happened today?
  17. Dying Sun

    Archived Fantasy Target

    coming to my senses after crash landing in jewelry, I realize my weapon is gone. seeing the flashes of light in domestics I head off there, but not before blasting down the door of the AP office to recover my gunblade. I fly back outta the hole where the door used to be and land amid the chaos...
  18. Dying Sun

    Archived Fantasy Target

    I right myself with a flap of my wings and grab my weapon. Calling on my own brand of magic as I watch @commiecorvus walk away I summon a giant hoarde of guests needing assistance. thinking to myself "heh good luck taking your break now" and with commie surrounded by guests I take to the air...
  19. Dying Sun

    Archived Fantasy Target

    crashing into towels I stagger to my feet and look at my attacker. "well well well @commiecorvus ." I sneer "well the honor of the first to fall to the Godsend was supposed to be redeye but I suppose you will do." I level the spearblade and its light blinds commie. I rush forward and buffet him...
  20. Dying Sun

    Archived Fantasy Target

    As my consiesness fades in and out and i lie across the floor with ten thousand volts running through my body, I see a bright light approach me from stationary. The light leans over me and in my head i hear a voice say "you are not meant to die here, Dying Sun, you are meant to win this battle...