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  1. TheManInRed

    Archived Instocks issues...

    There are a TON of new features with this update. PM me if anyone needs specific details.
  2. TheManInRed

    Archived Orientation postponed....NOW WHAT

    Just curious, did the drug test company tell you the results? The results are sent electronically I thought, but I could be wrong so there is no paperwork to lose. I do find it hard to believe that you say the mouthwash made you smell like booze. If you smelled like booze, it's probably because...
  3. TheManInRed

    Archived Ehr and Workbench

    tee hee hee hee, can't help but laugh at the name "doggygirl"...:spiteful:
  4. TheManInRed

    Archived PCV help?

    The dates that clearance are determined are based on your on-hands and sales volume.
  5. TheManInRed

    Archived What should I put on my resume for TL?

    SOT, You're not a rookie. Look up the leadership expectations, pull an example from your time as a TL for each leadership expectation and go from there. You will have to go through a formal interview. Funny, when you worked for sony I seem to remember you dogging out TL's for what they do, now...
  6. TheManInRed

    Archived Red Instocks Scores and How to Convince Management to Fix It the Right Way

    Instalker, Pull up "maintaining in stocks" best practice. It clearly states that outs is not longer used. At one point outs were in the task list, but it's been eliminated. OUTS is included in your research with loc score. You need to pull up the information on mysupport. I can tell you that...
  7. TheManInRed

    Archived Red Instocks Scores and How to Convince Management to Fix It the Right Way

    Using OUTS instead of research had no impact on your scans with loc %. OUTS affects your percentage just like research does. I am sorry to tell you, but your STL is right. No teams should be using OUTS anymore. Pull your group scanning report, chances are none of the other stores are using this...
  8. TheManInRed

    Got coached tonight. Wow.

    SOT, If your attitude in your building sucks as bad as you exude on this board, you're going to get performanced out. They already know about what happened with Sony, watch your butt and keep your nose clean. It doesn't even matter if it was against the law or not. If you know how to get the...
  9. TheManInRed

    Archived *****InStocks Best Practice!*****

    sigma, It shouldn't really matter, because anything that you EXF on the floor should be empty, or so empty that it should never trigger a pull. I need to do a little more research into this. I would think that your EXF batch stays the same, and everything else drops into CAFS. The reason that I...
  10. TheManInRed

    Archived What would happen if a TL pushed a TM?

    Target would send SOT the their store to punch the TL in the face :laugh4: Sorry...couldn't help it!
  11. TheManInRed

    Archived *****InStocks Best Practice!*****

    mrknownothing, EXF's are not independent of other batches. All of the batches work together, otherwise you would need a seperate accumulator for each type of batch.
  12. TheManInRed

    Archived *****InStocks Best Practice!*****

    Sigma, you should get 6 of what you shoot. There is no way of telling what the accumulator is sitting at when you create a batch so no one knows. If EXF's are being shot on an out, it's because the accumulator hasn't been able to reach the trigger to create a pull, so shooting less than what the...
  13. TheManInRed

    Archived *****InStocks Best Practice!*****

    Sigma, you are incorrect. EXF's do not add to the salesfloor accumulator. What you are actually doing when you EXF is changing the fill need on the floor. If the accumulator is at 11 and you EXF 12, you are telling the system there is a need for 12 on the floor. When the 12 are pulled from the...
  14. TheManInRed

    Archived Best TL position to get into if trying to become ETL?

    Sorry, but I disagree that CTL would be the best, just because you say they interact with ALL of the teams. The global scope isn't there. I can understand that you feel this way because you work in perishables, and everyone thinks that their area is the most important and high scope. I'm not...
  15. TheManInRed

    Archived Huddle Idiocy and Power Trips

    Exactly! I try not to even bring up the credit aspect of it!
  16. TheManInRed

    Archived Why did they choose me for [insert role]?

    Make no mistake, instocks is a much more involved process than a hardlines team member. An instocks team memebr doesn't just run around scanning every hole they see, and it requires partnership with everyone in the store. It also requires knowing how to merchandise PTM aisles, knowledge of the...
  17. TheManInRed

    Archived Jean sticky size labels

    I agree! If you want to be promoted make sure your walk the vibe is up to date, and that you can speak to your progress on your goals to improve the business. My DTL loves to ask me what I am currently doing to make myself more global thorughout the store. If the biggest brand issue that most...
  18. TheManInRed

    Archived Unemployment

    Why were you termed?
  19. TheManInRed

    Archived Team Lead 18 month promotion rule

    Were you told about the 18 months before you took the position? I'm not sure about paygrades, but if it's lateral I don't see the big deal with it.