Archived 2 no shows already twice before 90 day probation

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Dec 1, 2015
Hey all, Have already had 2 no shows twice. Was hired as seasonal and the 90 days probation isn't even over. Both times I completely made a mistake, although I made every ounce of effort to not make this mistake. After the first time, I was super paranoid about accidentally missing a day and now that' it's happened a second time I'm about to tear myself bald with frustration.

In any case, I was wondering if this is going to mean I'll be let go after the 90 days. :( I was talked to today about it and I told him that I'm very sorry, that it was a mistake and that I'm willing to take responsibility for whatever consequences come.
Hey all, Have already had 2 no shows twice. Was hired as seasonal and the 90 days probation isn't even over. Both times I completely made a mistake, although I made every ounce of effort to not make this mistake. After the first time, I was super paranoid about accidentally missing a day and now that' it's happened a second time I'm about to tear myself bald with frustration.

In any case, I was wondering if this is going to mean I'll be let go after the 90 days. :( I was talked to today about it and I told him that I'm very sorry, that it was a mistake and that I'm willing to take responsibility for whatever consequences come.
Not sure what will happen but I totally understand the feels... I'm seasonal too & hoping I get to stick around, I actually enjoy what I do!
Hi CircleDot Yea I kinda like it too. At the same time I don't know if they will keep me after these 2 no shows. I'm going to keep putting in job applications in other places, just in case.
It sucks that it happened before your 90 days. I work opening shifts every weekend and I've shown up late a couple times. Just hope for the best and have a plan B.
Sorry dude, unless you are a major badass when you are at work I wouldn't count on it.
We have termed at least a few people under their 90 days for a single no show. Now, ASANTS, but I doubt they'll be keeping you on.
We had one person we didn't let go after their first NCNS...and that was only because she did it last week and we are running out of seasonal people. So at my store, you'd be gone.
although I made every ounce of effort to not make this mistake. After the first time, I was super paranoid about accidentally missing a day and now that' it's happened a second time I'm about to tear myself bald with frustration.

You can view your schedule online, from home. It's not hard to check before going to bed whether you work the following day.
I had a weeks worth of NCNS when I was hired because the HR forgot to mark me off for 5 days since I had just put my 2 week notice in my old job. I worked 2 weeks straight between my old job and Target. I told the LOD what happened after they told me I was suppose to be fired on the day I came to work. I was pretty pissed and made it clear to them that those NCNS were their fault and not mine. I have been in Target for 6 months now. I was hired as a regular though. I think it really depends on the situation you are in. If you had 100% control over those NCNS then you are obviously hanging by a thread. If you didn't have total control then you should make that clear to the HR.
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I wouldn't be surprised if most Targets decided not to keep anyone, with our new AE2016 coming up and the selling of CVS we don't know how corp is going to screw us.
Well in any case I'm not going to bank on this and keep searching for new jobs. H&R block called me back for an interview!
there is a chance that a lot of groveling might work , a small chance , as regards ae16,I expect bad things.good luck.
They would let you go at the store I work at. One of cashiers got talked to for calling out because her child was sick. She is still under 90 days. They told her, she would be let go if she called out again before her 90 days are over. Good luck, I hope H&R Block works out for you.
They would let you go at the store I work at. One of cashiers got talked to for calling out because her child was sick. She is still under 90 days. They told her, she would be let go if she called out again before her 90 days are over. Good luck, I hope H&R Block works out for you.
They would let you go at the store I work at. One of cashiers got talked to for calling out because her child was sick. She is still under 90 days. They told her, she would be let go if she called out again before her 90 days are over. Good luck, I hope H&R Block works out for you.

That's just fucking bullshit though. I'd tell any job that wanted to fire me for staying home to care for my sick children to get fucked.
True. I mean kids come first. But thanks. The H&R Block interview is for receptionist, same amount of pay, and a better schedule with the same routine times and same days every week, so that's good. I've let go of wanting to stay beyond 90 days with Target so it's all good. When do they usually let go the Christmas seasonals? January?
That's just fucking bullshit though. I'd tell any job that wanted to fire me for staying home to care for my sick children to get fucked.

I totally agree with you! Now I am terrified that one of my kids will get sick and I have to call out and get threatened to lose my job. If my teenager gets sick, he can stay home alone but not my younger ones (8 years and 6 years old).
Ok here's an update guys and ladies;

I had a noshow/nocall where I had my days mixed up and I didn't think they were going to keep me. Had posted about this earlier on this thread where people said that if it was their store I would not be kept on as seasonal.

So I went in to speak to my HR Hiring manager and she said that it was ok but to make sure that it does not happen again. Then she said something that gave me a red flag.. She said that someone else said that I said that since they scheduled me wrong I just won't come on in on the days that are wrong.

I thought that was unprofessional to tell me about this "he-said-she-said" thing. It really caused me to view the others there at Target suspiciously, although my gut tells me that it may be something this hiring manager just made up for whatever reason. I came away with a feeling of distrust.

In any case, I went on to fill out some job apps and got an interview with another company (H&R Block) and went in, got hired on the spot. It's a seasonal position in a tax office, so I'm thinking that I could either work through until the end of the Target season, which is now, or propose a leave of abscence until the other seasonal job is over and then possibly return to Target. What do you think?
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