401k loan

Mar 21, 2022
Hey guys waswas wondering if anyone knew how long do you have to wait to take out another loan once you fully pay your previous loan off? Is it instant or does it take a couple days after final payment for a new available loan to be taken out
Eh. I've taken small loans out 2x. It gets repaid via your check and you chose the repayment plan. It's a better option that pulling everything out altogether and getting the penalty.
When you borrow against your 401(k), it is a loan, which means you are required to pay it back with interest. However, the interest rate is usually much lower for a 401(k) loan than for a bank or alternative lender's loan.
When you borrow against your 401(k), it is a loan, which means you are required to pay it back with interest. However, the interest rate is usually much lower for a 401(k) loan than for a bank or alternative lender's loan.
And you're paying the interest to yourself.