Archived Access eHR from home

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May 6, 2016
How can I access eHR from home? I have Chrome, FF, and IE and heard that only IE will work.
I made one attempt to log in and it locked me out, stating that I'd need a new password. (I just updated my PW last weekend)

It's makin' me crazy. I soooooo want to look at my stuff from home!
You can only look at your schedule everything else is blocked, and even before they cut access. You needed IE6 or lower for it to work.. I was running I think IE9 at the time a couple years ago and had to backtrack to IE6(virtual machine) to look at things.. It was joke.. It was on Spot, not me..
Yeah same happened to me even though I was able to access all of eHR from home a few days ago.
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