Archived Additions to TBR staff

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Formina Sage

Probably still better than you at the stacker
Staff member
May 15, 2011
I'd just like to make a super quick announcement that Rock_Lobster has resumed his post as moderator on the boards, and joining him is The Mule. These users bring a wealth of knowledge and community spirit to the forums. If you have any questions regarding the forums, a post or thread, or Target in general, feel free to PM them.
Good hands with good heads.
Having done time as moderator and admin on other boards I know how much fun and what a trial it can be.
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I'd just like to make a super quick announcement that Rock_Lobster has resumed his post as moderator on the boards, and joining him is The Mule. These users bring a wealth of knowledge and community spirit to the forums. If you have any questions regarding the forums, a post or thread, or Target in general, feel free to PM them.

Thanks Formina! I'll do my best to keep them in line :p
Thanks all, we're gonna try and help FS out with everything as best we can, we're just glad to help a community that's done so much for everyone.
Congrat's to both of you. I too have served as administrator and moderator. Not an easy job at times and often thankless. I have faith you will both do well in your new positions. Way to go!:thumbsup:
Just to add to the fun, I promoted Kalaen to be a wiki mod - he will be able to delete pages, protect/unprotect pages, and have a couple other powers to make our wiki look great. Just look at the Recent Changes page to check out all the hard editing work he's done to make the wiki a great resource for us!
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