Archived Advice to a new ETL

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Nov 9, 2011
So, as I said in my intro, I'll be starting as an ETL in a couple months after I finish up my degree in December.

What advice would you give to a new ETL?

What, in your opinion, is the biggest cause of ETL turnover?

I really value all of your experience and am interested in what you have to say. My experience in the military has taught me that the best thing a leader can do is to listen to the guys/gals on the ground because they're the only ones who truly know what's going on, so that's why I'm on this site!

Thanks in advance.
Seems like you're off to a real good start.
A willingness to listen and learn is a huge start.
There are a great many threads here that should give you some ideas of what not to do, I'm sure.
The gold standard is of course, treating people the way you would want to be treated, give them respect and don't talk down to them.
From there it's a matter of personal style but the old 'set an example by doing it yourself' and 'never raise your voice in public' are always good to remember.
You'll be learning a lot of things really fast, but don't get overwhelmed. There's about a 6 month learning curve with the job. Just learn your own job and start there before you worry about the others. You'll pick those up in time, but if you know your position, you'll be fine. Really utilize your peers, your STL, your trainer, and your mentor. Even if they've only been there a week longer than you, they'll still have valuable advice. Don't be afraid to ask for help, especially from TLs and TMs. Just because you're their boss doesn't mean they don't know what they're talking about. Just stay positive and open to communication, and everything will fall into place.
Just because you're their boss doesn't mean they don't know what they're talking about

Oh yeah, don't I know the truth of that. I was enlisted when I was in the Army and an Officer was in charge of the platoon. It was usually a kid about 22 years old just out of college. He was in charge of an entire platoon...usually with at least 1 or 2 guys that had been in for 15 years and a whole lot more who had been in for at least 5 years. The best officers are the ones that come in and really take the time to learn from the senior enlisted. The ones that don't just end up shooting themselves in the foot and learn the hard way.

I imagine that the ETL position is a lot like a brand new lieutenant in the the rank and a degree, but zero on the ground experience!
Just because you're their boss doesn't mean they don't know what they're talking about.

Absolutely this. You're there to lead, provide direction, and make sure processes flow together smoothly and cohesively. The people you're leading (mostly the TL's under you) know how to do their tasks and run their area.
Also, lead by example. Be a team player, know your team. Plus, everything else said. Search our forums for lots of info.
Don't be an arrogant douchebag as most ETL's at my store seem to be when transferring in. Listen to your team. They know what they are doing. Aka what everyone else has said lol.
Wait... you don't have your degree yet, but you have an offer to be an ETL? Just want to make sure I understand you correctly.
Wait... you don't have your degree yet, but you have an offer to be an ETL? Just want to make sure I understand you correctly
Yeah, that's right. But I'm not starting until I have my degree. I talked to a Target recruiter at a career fair at my university. When I started the interview process, I told them I wouldn't have my degree until December and so I could start in January and they were fine with that.
Wait... you don't have your degree yet, but you have an offer to be an ETL? Just want to make sure I understand you correctly.

This actually happens a lot. They will make the offer before the degree is earned, but must have proof before the ETL starts.

Happens every year with the interns at my store. Usually they come in for the summer, announce that they will be back as an ETL, and bam once they graduate they are in the store as an ETL one day.
Just take 5 minutes to help out a TM and work side by side with them!!! Also don't be afraid to distract them for a couple minutes and bs, it may be work and it may not be totally professional, but, if the team likes you and they know that you care and will work with them they will work for you!!!!

Be willing to listen, help, learn, and motivate!!
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