Archived Against company policy

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Jan 20, 2019
So I'm a recent former employee of target. I left to be a full time student at the university and applying for scholarships. I had asked my former team lead if she would be willing to write a scholarship letter of recommendation for me, and her answer to me was it's against company policy for her to write a letter of recommendation. I've had other employers write letters of recommendations before and never had a problem with it. I understand there may be a difference but is it really against targets company policy for your leads to write a scholarship letter of recommendation? I just want to know.
So I'm a recent former employee of target. I left to be a full time student at the university and applying for scholarships. I had asked my former team lead if she would be willing to write a scholarship letter of recommendation for me, and her answer to me was it's against company policy for her to write a letter of recommendation. I've had other employers write letters of recommendations before and never had a problem with it. I understand there may be a difference but is it really against targets company policy for your leads to write a scholarship letter of recommendation? I just want to know.
I have wrote few recommendations to team member my stl never said it was a problem I worked with them the most and if a letter from me is gonna have an impact for them why not. Of course the team members I had were reliable and A players
I don’t think there’s an official policy but many ETLs don’t becuase they’d have to do it on their own time, as a personal favor, as they can’t do it at work.
I don’t think there’s an official policy but many ETLs don’t becuase they’d have to do it on their own time, as a personal favor, as they can’t do it at work.

Translation: "I don't know."
I had an ETL write me a reference once. But that was almost ten years ago, so maybe it's different now.
I have written letters for 2 of my team members for college. 1 was an all star team member and it was extremely easy to rave about her and her accomplishments for the store. The other was a struggle. A real struggle. But they were both my team members and both friends. I felt obligated to write for the second because she asked and I had no valid "out".

My stl said while we are permitted to do it he doesn't recommend it and I understood why when it came to the second team member. It took alot of my personal time because I stuggled to find the words to meet the many requirements of the reccomentdation. I fluffed the crap out of that letter. Thankfully all my minors have graduated except 1. The last I will gladly do because she is a major asset to my team and the store. But she will be my last. I would hate to be in that position again.
My old ETL-GE told me and a couple others in the front end that she liked to reach out and she would gladly write us a recommendation letter/ be a reference if we were ever in that position before she left. My TLs would if I asked, but I probably never would just because I know they would do it even if they didn’t have the time just because of our relationship. I believe we’re not technically supposed to ask at my store, but depending on the relationship it prob happens on the down low.
If it's a letter of recommendation based on their experience of being your TL at Target, it would be a no. Most companies will not allow that as a rule. If it's a letter of recommendation based on their experience of knowing you on a personal level, then yes. They just can't refer to Target in any way shape or form in the letter. It would strictly be a personal reference.
The individuals that one encounters on their passage through life are not restricted from writing personal reference letters.

Writing them is normal.

While Target seems rather " buttoned up" this isn't a communist company. You should be able to get letters.

A HUGE part of your earnings, your "footprint" in life, are reference letters, plaques, awards, etc.

Foolish is the person that denies such a request as it shows they, the persons refusing to write, are not leadership quality but fearful conformists.

I wish you very well in your endeavors!
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Mhm, thank you all for your knowledge, definitely huge difference between reference for a job and a college scholarship, which was all I asked kindly. I had an amazing time working for my Starbucks target location. I definitely wouldn't mind going back. I see the pros and cons for both referencing and not. I will definitely check with HR. But I cant force someone to write a letter of recommendation for a college scholarship if they dont want to and that's fine. I left my target location to further my education and excell in earning a BSN degree. 🙂 you all have been very helpful and thank you again for the knowledge.
I asked some of my ETLs and TLs off-line if they would provide references. If I referenced their names and store contact information, they would have to defer to the Employment Verification Number.

Anytime I went through a detailed background check. I always noted that Target provided only a employment verification; would not provide references or background interviews.
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