Archived ANOTHER subtract question

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Jun 12, 2011
I know there are a lot of threads on using subt 9999 and I have read through them, but my question is a little different and I'm putting it into a new thread to get a quick answer without scrolling through so many responses!

When you are in subt and you scan the item and then the location, then suddenly decide to change your mind and place the item somewhere new and press return to back out of that loc, I always thought it caused an error because even though you never entered the quantity it will still show the item as in that location.

Obviously if you don't leave the product in the location it is going to cause an error when someone goes to pull what the system thinks is there, but if you leave the product there and hit return before entering quantity will it cause error or only lead the system to prompt yes or no to did you pull all from this locu?

I think I'm talking in circles.... I am just wondering if you record an error for not entering a quantity or simply only causing the next person to have to answer y or n but not getting a error or lowering one of the million scores our target friend likes to measure.

It seems like it would be helpful to trick the system to not putting in a quantity at times.... Like if it wants you to count 100000 pinky sized back to school erasers ..... Yes it's march and I'm already scared of back to school at our high volume college store.
i honestly think adding counts to the backroom was the worst idea ever, most our backroom team wont count mass ammounts of things, like 102 boxes of crayons in waco, plus the morning audit LOVES to make me audit those darn massive wacos everyday
i honestly think adding counts to the backroom was the worst idea ever, most our backroom team wont count mass ammounts of things, like 102 boxes of crayons in waco, plus the morning audit LOVES to make me audit those darn massive wacos everyday

I am waiting for a rollout to come down that actually utilizes having counts in the backroom! I am hoping it comes down and then it makes me go "OHHH, thats why we needed counts in the backroom... so we could rollout X,Y, and Z!)

Sadly that day hasn't come yet 🙂
If you leave the item in the location that you scanned while in SUBT, then the situation you're describing is not one of the two backroom errors (Baffle and Ghost), but it's a data integrity issue. It would drop that location into the next day's Audit batch so it can be scanned and have a quantity put into the system.

If you don't actually physically place that item in that location but still scan the location in SUBT, then yes it creates a ghost because as soon as you scan the location in SUBT, the system locates that item there.

SUBT differs from STO because in STO, you can scan a location, but then hit R-eturn and the system won't locate that item there.
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