Archived Anybody Been Screwed Over At Work Due to Their TBR Activity?

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The Red Boy
Sep 30, 2014
This is something I think about a lot when skimming through this site: I know it's common and obvious knowledge not to give away too much info about yourself here, because what you say can be traced back to you. But have you or anybody else at your store ever gotten in trouble for reasons relating to TBR?

I mean, obviously that would be a hard question to answer, as the store wouldn't necessarily want to or have to bring us up as a reason durings coachings/etc. But does anybody have any stories or examples they can think of where this forum was clearly - or hell, even merely rumored to be - the reason behind a team member's troubles?
Phrasing dude.

The site has never screwed anybody.

Spot might have done things because of what was said here but the site never has.
I understand you didn't mean it that way but the title makes it sound that way.

Ahh, you're absolutely right. Wrote the title without much thought added to it, didn't mean to put this site down.
A lot of my coworkers knew about and frequently visited here. We were out to dinner one night, and one of them mentioned getting tips from the site.... But they don't have an account.

I did accidentally mention the site to an ETL... She checked it out and strongly recommended that I don't vist it on target wifi... Luckily this was before I was less discrete with my location

We did have a witch hunt when someone reviewed us on glass An ETL was checking it out, and saw that someone had posted a bad review about the store. Being the only location in our town, it was Obivous it was our location. They did chats and statuses to see who it was, but they never did
I once received a message from another TM on social media regarding TBR activity, but the issue got settled without us killing each other.
I kinda mentioned the site (not by name, but saying something like "this one message board for Target employees") to one of my co-workers when I was asking him something and I mentioned reading something on here about the topic, and he shushed me right away and pretty much said to never mention anything about this site. He and I normally joke around, but I could tell he was being serious when it came to this site.

But yeah, if you don't want to get into trouble, don't mention the site (or any Target-related sites aside from Target's main site and/or Cartwheel since I'm sure there are some that Target wants to pretend doesn't exist) at work, don't check it on Target's wifi networks (especially on the MyDevices since I'm sure those are monitored to the teeth), and don't mention anything super specific about your store and/or yourself just in case if one of your fellow TMs (and especially TLs) comes across something that gives away more than it should.
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You shouldn't be punished at all in my opinion. Target can go fuck themselves in my opinion. If they don't want people to get on a message board and tell the truth about how shitty most stores are then the big dogs that wear the suits and make millions of dollars need to step up and make Target a better place for employees.
I mentioned it to a GSTM turned GSTL that I had to train (as a GSA). She said she learned a lot from this place.

Then she became a crazy psychopath. Then everybody stopped talking to her.
I have never heard any one in a leadership role in my store bring up this site. I have overheard several team members talking about , how they come on here and read things and how they love it etc. I do have a fellow team member from my store on here ...however, we both know that we can trust each other etc. I would think that Spot has many other issues they need to focus on other than a website. Spot knows how it treats team members ( of course they wont admit it ) so they really shouldn't be surprised at what they read on here.
I really doubt the management at my store would be competent enough to actually figure out who uses TBR (which is quite a few, really).
I was told by a former TL to make sure I was discreet, but that's it. Lots of my store's tm's and tl's frequent this site because communication isn't exactly the strong suit of our current management. I'm pretty sure that anyone from my store knows who I am. There are only 2 IStm's at our store and only one that's been there for more than 10 years and was a TL. I don't care. I don't knock my store, I mostly like my job, and this site has given us more help than any ETL at our store.... plus I often look like a freaking genius when asked a question. Thanks everyone!
Lots of folks from our area (not just our store) cruise the site because I'll hear them talking amongst themselves about any big changes, etc mentioned on here.
Very few admit to posting, tho. Most are lurkers.
I was asked by former my etl-hr, if I have been on the site. I said as a lurker only. Now I say, a friend at another store was telling about this & that...
Spot would love to figure me out, I am sure.
I have learned a lot of things on here that I would had never known other wise. Plus its a great place to vent...its hard to vent to someone about Spot if they don't work there. They can listen and try to understand but unless you have been there done don't fully understand .
I never visit it on my device because they can track that stuff (noticed a few apps installed from my previous job and know them to be for tracking that sort of thing) but I've never been asked about it. If anything they will find me googling Wikipedia articles about serial killers which is a weird fascination of mine so if they did call me in it would be to ask me why I was scrolling through Ted Bundy's wiki article.
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