Archived Anyone other stores with lots of Cherokee girls leftovers after setting Annie?

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Nov 1, 2011
Hey all

I followed most of the directions for setting Annie yesterday morning. These including removing the product and old signing from the 2 Cherokee towers and the from the front of the Cherokee billboard. I then attempted to move it to other Cherokee racks, but did not have much luck, as we had too much product. Just wondering if others store had the same problem. Right now much of this product is setting on z-racks in the back, as we NO place on the floor for it.

AmICrazy (yes I know I am)
my support it. Or it will be next weeks revisions.

Lately I have seen this everywhere, revision and they forget half the product that was there still needs to go somewhere.
We had that problem with Annie, Toms and frozen. They won't make room for them until after the holidays. Corp is really pushing sl sales and with the black friday 40% I think they expect it all to go. My store was given the direction of no hanging product no exceptions. My advise double hang everything you can if it doesnt fly out the doors on black friday or it comes back in returns the next week maybe they can push some stuff to clearance early or something to help out....i know were packed tight too :/
We got the whole "softlines out of the back" spiel too. We have hanging back there, but we have literally double and triple hung all we can. Not a whole lot of things you can triple hang in the winter. Basically just infant/toddler. We are also totally out of head and hand. Completely wiped out of all of it. Basics is packed out. Tables are stacked. Other than the double and triple hanging, this is how my store has always run softlines.

Pack it, stack it, rack it.

Stack it high, let it fly.

I don't think these phrases get thrown around as much company wide anymore since target's sales floor mantra has moved something more akin to "you must be 100% to planogram every time all of the times...but don't have any holes...and don't even think about flexing...scan your outs...scan research...don't scan research...visual out of stocks are bad...but your adjacency must be perfect all of the time...why are there holes here?...this looks bad...flex....don't flex...magic."

My favorite phrase and also he one I stand by 100% regarding processes at Target: When in doubt, push it out. For all those mystery tubs and carts that show up in the backroom with no clip.
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