Archived Applying for a Position at another Store

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No Longer Employed by Target
Dec 29, 2013
How does this work exactly?

I applied for a GSA position today during my break at a Target about 6 miles from the one I have worked at for the past 1.5-2 years.

I did through eHR, so did not fill out the usual lengthy application that one fills out when applying via a kiosk or from home. Would they still call me to setup an interview as they would for anyone else who had applied that didn't currently work for Target, or would I be informed in person from someone at my current store about the status of the application since I know that my current stores leaders would need to give approval for the transfer?
K, so I went to that Target today just to look around and see if its layout was the same as ours. They sell liquor, we don't. I'd definitely rather work there :p

On a more serious note, how would most stores respond to a competent cashier applying for a GSA position at a neighboring store.

Would they typically just allow the interview process to go through as per normal and allow the other store to decide whether to hire them or not? Would they try to encourage the cashier to stay on and perhaps offer them a GSA position at the current store as incentive to do so? Would they refuse to give the necessary approval to transfer?

I know it says you need ETL-HR/STL approval to be hired at the other store if you apply through eHR, but I'm not sure whether that approval is pretty much a given or is actually something commonly withheld.
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Hmm, wasn't aware of that, from the wording on eHR, it just seemed like you needed approval to actually finalize a transfer, not that you needed to seek it out before applying.
You are supposed to get approval to apply first, just in case you are on a Corrective Action or some sort of disciplinary/performance issue.

Hmm, wasn't aware of that, from the wording on eHR, it just seemed like you needed approval to actually finalize a transfer, not that you needed to seek it out before applying.

Transfers can be very tricky if you don't have your STL's blessing.
I'm curious about what happens. Let us know!

I came in early today and spoke to the ETL-HR, asked her what exactly we were hiring for (we have now Hiring pamphlets out at the registers, but when I looked on eHR there was absolutely nothing posted) and asked if we were likely to hire another GSA for the holidays. She said we may have need of another GSA soon, and suggested I speak to the GSTL and ETL-GE about getting further training. Did that, and they both said they'd speak to the ETL-HR in the morning and set me up with a learning plan.

She also said she had seen the application and wouldn't prevent me from interviewing if I so chose, but wouldn't be willing to tell them that I was "fully capable" of doing the position at the moment without further training first, though if I got the position at my current store I'd be just as fine with that, they're both about 4 miles from my house, just in opposite directions.

I think additional training needed would be pretty minimal, and mostly consist of off-stage stuff (being able to look up lost receipts, or replace lost gift cards, or print grids for the break schedule, etc.). She amusingly suggested that I try and help my fellow team members more, which made me chuckle since I am one of the only cashiers that does respond to other cashiers blinkers on a regular basis, and the only one that isn't officially a trainer. I think she actually probably thinks I'd need more training than I would due to not spending much time at the front-end on a regular basis.
I'm convinced when they say, "you need further training", they are really saying, "we're too cheap to promote you just yet".

Quite possible, especially since we're a B volume store with A volume sales, at least for this fiscal year.

Though since GSA isn't actually much of a pay raise over cashier I doubt that the pay difference is a big deal in their eyes.
I'm the only GSA in my store that knows how to look up old receipts at my store, and I just figured that out a month ago. I'm not overly sure what you mean by replacing lost gift cards. And any LOD can show you how to print out a break out in the morning.

Do you handle all issues besides the ones that require supervisor numbers?
Do you see the bigger picture about balancing everyone's breaks and lunches while still having enough coverage?
Do you communicate well with those you are leading as well as the other leaders in the building?
Can you balance the billions of tasks they will want done while also at the same time being visible at the lanes?
Can you problem solve and feel fairly confident in backing up your solutions?
Can you see the bigger picture and make overall suggestions to keep things moving well throughout your area as well as the store in general?

You don't need to be able to answer all of these for us...but do it honestly for yourself. The tasks aren't the issue. It's the problem solving and general big picture that seems to trip people up.
The tasks aren't the issue. It's the problem solving and general big picture that seems to trip people up.

This is actually why I think it'd be better fit for me than my current position. Problem solving is something I have no issue with. I am a very analytically inclined, and logic-minded person. I'm also very confident and willing to take accountability for my mistakes.

Every other cashier in the store turns on their blinker several times per shift, often in excess of once per hour, and if working the service desk some will call over the GSA as much as 3-4 times per hour. If I am on a lane and I need something and the GSTL/GSA appears to be busy I don't turn on the blinker and wait for them if I can solve the problem myself, I'll walk over to the service desk and grab their walkie and PDA and solve the situation myself (price lookup, calling for an item to be brought up, calling for DPCI for an item, etc.) If on the other hand the GSTL/GSA doesn't appear to busy, and it's faster for them to come over while I continue scanning items than for me to stop scanning items to walk over and grab a walkie/PDA I'll turn my light on, but more often than not I avoid bothering them whenever I can as I am a very independent person and dislike relying on and hindering others when unnecessary.

Sometimes this includes doing things that might be questionable at some stores, but I am confident enough to do it and let the GSTL know after if I think it is alright, and he's never reprimanded me for doing so or said I shouldn't have done so.

Example being things like:

Guest claims they were supposed to get a $10 gift card when they bought three of an item, I scan all three items, they are similar, but not identical, but are identically, or very closely priced (say diapers, but one is a different style or size) and two of the three show up as being part of the sale, I will scan a gift card, make it be $10, and then input two $5 coupons to avoid the need for an override (a $10 coupon would prompt for an override).

For the most part, if I am confident in guessing what someone is going to do after I call them over for help, and I can do a close approximation of that same scenario myself without their intervention I just do it. Our last GSA (who quit) was not very good at this, she got told off many times for calling over the LOD for fairly trivial matters that she should have been bolder about and handled herself.

My mindset is largely that, I am not afraid to make errors; she was. She was worried that if she made a mistake she'd get fired, so didn't want to do anything out of the ordinary without it being okayed. If I think it's okay, and know it isn't a huge deal I just do it. If it later turns out I shouldn't have, I can explain that I thought what I did was okay, and that I won't do it again. Only if it is something major is this likely to have worse repercussions than bugging people every time I am slightly unsure of how to best handle something in my eyes. If it has potential major repercussions then obviously I'd ask the LOD beforehand, but if it doesn't, then I see no need to involve them every time I need to make a decision that isn't strictly black or white. I like grey.

If I'm at the service desk there are only two reasons I call the GSA/GSTL over for the most part:

1.) I need a supervisor override, they don't even ask why anymore, they just walk over, enter their #'s and walk away typically.

2.) A guest has demanded to speak to a manager. This usually happens in one of two scenarios.

a.) They want to return an item, they have no receipt (or appropriate credit/debit/check), or drivers license, and refuse to believe that there's nothing I can do for them.

b.) They wish to buy an age-restricted item and have no license and think I should just fudge it because they're clearly old enough. I tell them that sorry, no, it does not matter if they are 80, the computer cannot see them, and it makes the decision of whether they can be sold the item or not, not me. The GSTL/GSA then comes over and parrots what I already told them.

Technically I am confident enough to handle even these scenarios without the extra help and them reinforcing my statements, but I rather suspect that lying and telling the guest that I am the manager (when I in fact am not) would likely be much worse for me if they called my bluff than wasting a few minutes of the GSA/GSTL's time.
I like it! I think you are well on your way!

Definitely sit down and ask your GSTL and ETL-GE what they see your strengths and opportunities are...make sure they align with what you believe them to be. Then leverage those strengths and keep working on those opportunities. It sounds like you have a good grasp of a lot of it down. Keep doing what you are doing, work with your gstl and gsas and show them what you got!

And if you have the stomach, read through some of our gsa posts around here. Though keep in mind many of us are ulv, so our experience may be vastly different (IE you may actually have a cart attendant).
How does this work exactly?

I applied for a GSA position today during my break at a Target about 6 miles from the one I have worked at for the past 1.5-2 years.

I did through eHR, so did not fill out the usual lengthy application that one fills out when applying via a kiosk or from home. Would they still call me to setup an interview as they would for anyone else who had applied that didn't currently work for Target, or would I be informed in person from someone at my current store about the status of the application since I know that my current stores leaders would need to give approval for the transfer?

Nice. I think that the approval would be almost automatic if promoted, even if it means going to another store. I applied for a seasonal position (as a second job), and I also applied for an ETL and SrTL position (as a primary job). I have taken the seasonal job, and am now interviewing for an ETL position at another store.
Tis strange. The ETL-HR said she wouldn't prevent me from interviewing at the other store, but I applied a week ago, I can't imagine that getting an interview would take longer than a week (considering when I originally applied as a cashier I got called within two days of applying online).

However the GSTL seems to actually be taking my request for position change seriously, he had me cover his lunch today, and actually had someone else at the service desk.

In the past I'd cover the GSA/GSTL breaks from time to time, but it was an additional task, in addition to service desk I'd call for backup as needed and respond to blinking lights, and it was typically during non-peak hours. I wouldn't actually be expected to speed weave or cover during peak hours, whereas today was a lunch at noon, with another team member at the service desk and me not on a register.
However the GSTL seems to actually be taking my request for position change seriously, he had me cover his lunch today, and actually had someone else at the service desk.

In the past I'd cover the GSA/GSTL breaks from time to time, but it was an additional task, in addition to service desk I'd call for backup as needed and respond to blinking lights, and it was typically during non-peak hours. I wouldn't actually be expected to speed weave or cover during peak hours, whereas today was a lunch at noon, with another team member at the service desk and me not on a register.

Yay developmental experience!
You are supposed to get approval to apply first, just in case you are on a Corrective Action or some sort of disciplinary/performance issue.
No, you don't NEED to get approval to apply or anything. Its just a good idea so your ETL-HR / ETL aren't surprised when they are notified you applied for a position Internally. Even if you don't tell anyone, they will probably support you still if you're a good TM.

If you're on CCA you will just be blocked from interviewing, you can still apply all you want lol.

OP you applied correctly by doing it through eHR
I put my 2 weeks notice in.. They moved me and made me TL for more than I was going to get at the job I was about to have (which was 5$ more than I was making as pa, which was decent for retail, they actually had to think about it, but gave me a decent raise over it)... Work hard, tms, and you could the same.. That's the absolute truth also. Just go in and finish what you're told quickly and efficiently, then go ask for more. Challenge yourself on how many tasks you can complete and see if you can outwork your tl.. Start helping them do their job, and that's when your name gets dropped in the bucket for someone who should be doing their job at another store or a good recommendation for an open spot as tl.. Doing only what you're asked is what everyone else does.
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Bleh. Mentioned to one of the GSA's that she could just have me cover her break and that I'd been covering the GSTL's as he was supposedly training me to be able to work GSA shifts. She seemed surprised, said she'd heard there was a GSA being hired, and wasn't under the impression that it was a promotion from within and asked how sure I was that I was going to get the position. Seems like I'm being strung along, shall see I suppose, is possible she misheard and someone was referring to me; but I doubt it.
Seems that way, yes, came into today and the new GSA was being trained to cashier, and he has three GSA Training Shifts this week as well.

The GSTL flagged me down when I walked in and told me he'd only found out the guy'd been hired a few days prior (I hadn't worked the same shift as the GSTL in several days prior to today, I'd closed my last three shifts in a row with the same GSA). He said he still intended to have me finish the learning plan and cover breaks etc. and that he thought they needed a second GSTL soon as they were supposed to have two as per corporate based on store volume, but have only had one for quite some time.

I'm not sure if he was suggesting trying to make me GSTL instead of GSA, or if he was suggesting that one of the current GSA's would likely get promoted and thus leave another GSA spot open. I assume the latter.

I did find it encouraging though that the cashier that was training the new GSA (and has been there for 10+ years) and knew I had shown interest in the position went over to the GSTL after the trainee went home for the day and gave him a piece of her mind and said she wasn't at all impressed that a random kid (I think he's 3-4 years younger than me) had gotten the position over me after I'd worked there for a year and a half and knew the position well enough to train the new GSA to be a GSA.

I doubt said cashiers rant actually changes anything, but it's still nice to see that your fellow team members have that much respect for you.
Yeah, sorry, I don't believe for a second your GSTL didn't know they were hiring another GSA and he just came in one day and someone said, "hi, we hired a new GSA."

As bad as communication is at my store (and they strive to communicate as little as possible) even our TLs know what the hiring needs are for their own departments.
Dunno, the guy isn't on the printed schedule, he wasn't even on the grid for today, his shifts only show up on the trainee printout near the timeclock, so I assume he was hired since this weeks schedule was made or else he'd have been on it.

I agree though that it seems like a line of BS. Almost curious if the STL was ever even made aware that I was interested in the position. I know the ETL-HR, ETL-GE, and GSTL knew, but I imagine the STL would be the one with the final say in who does and does not hired.
That was unexpected, I asked the Sr. TL that was LOD when closing Friday how many more weeks we'd be training new hires. She said several, and then asked why. I told her I'd spoke with the ETL-HR about being trained to work as a GSA, and that afterwards I'd spoke with the ETL-GE/SF and GSTL and they both seemed all for it, but that the ETL-HR seemed to have blown it off and that a GSA had indeed been hired since our talk.

At the time the Sr. TL said she thought Electronics TM might be a good fit as well, though I wasn't overly sure if that was something that interested me. Today as I was leaving the Sr. TL I had spoken with pulled me aside and said they had a TL meeting later in the day and that she was going to bring up the topic with the ETL-HR during it. I had figured I'd have to keep pestering the ETL-HR so she couldn't just continue blowing me off, hadn't expected that other leaders in the building would take it upon themselves to ensure I got what I wanted.
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