Archived Are there more hours in June?

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Why would they be getting rid of the swap shift book? I haven't heard about this at my store, although I don't really get a chance to attend huddles so I miss out on a lot of announcements. I don't put a lot of my shifts in the book, but it is nice being able to when I do have a shift I'd rather not work. Will it just be that you have to work the shifts you are given even if something comes up at the last minute? I feel like that will just cause people to call-out a lot more.
Which seems to be the whole premise for getting rid of the swap shift book.
It makes it easier to see who calls in the most vs who gives away their shifts the most &, since they seldom cover many of these shifts, it SHOULD make it easier to performance out someone based on attendance.
We had several cashiers who couldn't get their hrs if they narrowed their avail so they frequently gave away the shifts they didn't want.
We had several cashiers who couldn't get their hrs if they narrowed their avail so they frequently gave away the shifts they didn't want.

I just opened my availabilty and where I was getting 22-24 hours per week on pretty limited availability, now I have 12 with full open availability. Not too happy tbh....
We're starting inventory prep on the new schedule and my hours STILL went down from 35 to 27. I'm tired of leaders saying "xxx is coming, hours will go up!" First it was after we got out of the January/Feb black hole, then it was Easter, then it was market reset, then it was a remodel (hours did go up for this actually), now it's inventory.
I guess it just feel like getting rid of the swap book won't do much besides make life more inconvenient for the vast majority of workers (at least at my store). I'd say at least 80-85% of the shifts in the book are picked up by someone else and for the people who shifts don't get covered most of those people still show up.

We only have one person who habitually puts shifts in the swap book; at least one a week (sometimes two) and if those shifts aren't picked up the person just calls-out. But she has been doing this for at least the past nine months and still gets around 30-34 hours a week on every schedule; almost never works weekends and maybe one or two night shifts a week if that (everyone else thinks she gets the perfect schedule). But if she still gets more hours than everyone else it doesn't seems like they are interested in her attendance issues even when she is calling out once a week or once every other week. Sorry for the rant, but it feels like getting rid of the swap book won't do much to performance her out since she calls-out all the time already.
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I only work three days on the two newest schedules. Very frustrated.
Hours are down for most TM -- people who were normally getting around 32 hours a week are down to about to about twenty a week, but some people are down to only ten. We were warned that hours would be down, but it is still surprising because our store has been pretty busy. I also heard that TL hours are going down from 40/wk to only 32/wk. TL have been zoning alone most nights.

At the last huddle they also said they had hired fourteen new people so we should be ready to train them. I am curious to know how many hours they told those people to expect during interviews. I know when I was hired they told me around 20/25 a week and even though it does vary I have normally stayed around that number and maybe once or twice dropped to twelve.

People are looking for new jobs and some have already had interviews and will probably be leaving soon which sucks because the people that I said they are planning on leaving are really hard workers and while we might get some hard workers in that new batch of fourteen people it is kind of risky.

We also have been making sales a fair amount especially on weekends. On Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays we are making sales by at least $10,000 if not more. Although we aren't always making sales on the weekdays. REDcards are way up. We have surpassed our REDcard goal every week for the past two months. But I guess all those REDcards and sales won't make hours go up.
it sounds to me like...
strong stores have to cover for weaker sales at other stores....

then why isn't ALL pay the same across the great US of A ??

if my store has to cover for a weaker store sales in the adjoining state then why can't I get the same PA pay as the person in the weak store, I'm doing twice as much work.

we all have to suffer with cut hours though.
I went from 35 to 11 to 14 and now 5 hrs lol hopefully it goes back up or I'll have to jump ship
I'm fairly lucky that pretty much our entire Logistics process is short-staffed, so pretty much all of us get as many hours as we need. I've had a full 40 on both this week and next week's schedule, but I'm not certain about two weeks out. We are hiring on a lot of new people, but I think that between Backroom and SFS I should be able to maintain a good amount of hours.
I went to both HR and my STL about the hours. They both made excuses for why 4 new employees have been hired after 4 left, and didn't bother to give existing employees more hours. Plus we got back an employee that's been out for months who broke his leg. An employee who should have been fired during the holidays for watching porn on his phone out on the floor, and was showing others.
I went from 40 to 39.5 due to a weird 6:30am start one day. Mentioned it to my TL and was told it was a mistake and to just come in at 6.
I went from 40 to 39.5 due to a weird 6:30am start one day. Mentioned it to my TL and was told it was a mistake and to just come in at 6.

SFSFun What volume is your store? Sounds like Super Target?

I wish I could know what to do in order to get more hours. My store is a Super Target and A volume. I used to work 6 days a week and worked 35 hours, now 5 days and 25 hours :( I know how to do backroom, instocks , electronics and price change , but all I've been doing is just pushing. 4AM Unload (Line)- push (grocieries), Push (HBA), Push (Any other hardlines) *BREAK* Continue pushing hardlines and then stock merchandise in carts from repacks til like 9AM or 10AM. I've always wanted to do Push-backroom like some TM's to get my 37-40 hours, and like you I have Sundays Availability closed.
I've had shifts that were posted on the schedule for two weeks suddenly cut just before the day. I have had total availability and have been cross trained. I can't afford to work at Target any more.I have bills to pay and would like to eat. Time for me to find something from a company that is more stable and needs their employees to actually work.
SFSFun What volume is your store? Sounds like Super Target?
B volume pfresh.

Our store is in a very wealthy area (average income well over $100k) and the people who live here generally don't need a low-paying retail job. The people who are fine with working for Target generally already have one in their neighborhood and will apply there.

This causes our store to be pretty short-handed and have difficulty finding applicants a lot of the time and everyone gets more hours because of it.
You would think it's an insult but a Starbucks tm has 1 hr and another tm got 2 hrs so it's not as insulting haha

Not worth the gas to come in for an hour, or 2. Heck, it's really an inconvenience to stop what you are doing, put on your Spot uniform, and come in for an hour.
Yes, hours are tight. However, if you are getting that few hours, they want you gone.

I'm getting to the point where I think I'm only going to stick around long enough to use up my paid time off.
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