Archived "As Advertised" Signs...

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Dec 23, 2014
What's the point of them? They're just the same price the item always is, and guests always think the item is on sale and they price challenge at the checklanes. I think it's just more unnecessary work for team members to put them up.
I have seen some as advertised signs actually be a lower price than the original, but that was a rare occasion. Guests have yelled at me about them and I've tried to politely explain that it merely says as advertised, not sale, and tell them to look in the paper and they will find the price displayed on the sign. They usually walk away in a huff.
Because they are just what they say ...
In the flyer they are advertised for that price.
Yes, it's that price all the time but they've put an ad out letting folks know how low Spots regular prices are.
I understand that, but I feel like it leaves guests with the wrong impression more often than not. Because when they bring an item to the register, they rarely remember the exact price but they just remember there being a sign, so they challenge the price.
most of ours end up in the trash =)
ALL of ours, along with EVERY stupid semi-adhesive flag, end up on the floor, guests' shoes, stuck to carts, all over the parking lot, etc...

Whoever thought up adhesive tags that don't stick should be dragged outside and shot.
Or guests buy anything with a tag in front of it. They don't worry about the total, but make a product choice based on the one with a tag in front of it. People like that and the little old folks with a circular with items circled they need to find are why we have them. Sheeple love to be told what to buy.
ALL of ours, along with EVERY stupid semi-adhesive flag, end up on the floor, guests' shoes, stuck to carts, all over the parking lot, etc...

Whoever thought up adhesive tags that don't stick should be dragged outside and shot.

I don't have the adhesive ones yet. As far as the old style go, peg hook ones that work for framed art would be nice. The first person to take a frame down takes the sign with it.
i hate the old signs. most of tgem end up on my base decks. almost every week we have to reprint a ton of signs. can't wait for the adhesive ones.
I didn't know that the adhesive ones aren't used everywhere now.

I have nothing but bad things to say about them, so hopefully corporate does read this and take note before expanding them everywhere.

They are a royal pain to put out—the backing isn't always cut right so that there is a lip to separate it from the adhesive on the flag.

The backing ends up statically charged and clings to everything—carts, product, shelves, the floor, people—and we're talking thousands of little 1"x3" strips per week.

About 25% of the signs fall off by Monday, and probably half by the end of a week—I probably spend an hour a week putting signs back on the shelf. Multi-week (TPC) flags have almost no hope of making it to their end date.

Ironically, those that don't fall off somehow chemically bond to the sign strip, and leave what looks like an adhesive blank covering the shelf label perfectly. If you don't notice right away, flow team will push any product into that space thinking it is discontinued.

I can't think of a single upside to them over the old signs I've used in the past. In theory they seem easier, but in reality they definitely aren't.
I don't have the adhesive ones yet. As far as the old style go, peg hook ones that work for framed art would be nice. The first person to take a frame down takes the sign with it.

This. It would also be nice to be able to print peghook signs. Is there such thing as cardstock for 3x3 peghook signs?
This. It would also be nice to be able to print peghook signs. Is there such thing as cardstock for 3x3 peghook signs?

There isnt. You are stuck using a 3x5 and then a clip on holder. The Swiffer mops have the same problem.
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