Archived Assigned Check Lanes

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Jul 22, 2015
Are any other stores having cashiers stay on one lane and one lane only? Every day I have to be on the same lane. I was assigned 4. I accidentally signed in on lane 6 to help a guest and my GSTL yelled at me. Do any other stores do this?
Can't say my store has ever done that, and it just seems like a bad idea in general
For awhile our STL wanted us to assign lanes so there would be an empty lane between each cashier. The cashiers all threw a fit because they couldn't be on "their" check lane. Seriously, it's a freaking check lane. Who cares which one you are on? They are all equally crappy.

But considering how crappy the registers are, assigning them won't help since the cashier will have to move when the register crashes, anyway.
Nope, that would never work at my store since every single one of our registers are crashing at random. Although some cashiers definitely have their preferred lanes.
That and we also have checklists we have to go over at the end of the night. leaning the bets, putting reshop away, basic stuff. But they want us to be able to work until 1 minute before the shift is over, do the entire checklist, get it signed off, walk to the break room and clock out all in 1 minute. My store is very specific about clocking out on time. I just feel like they're asking too much of us.
Eh, we're kinda given assigned lanes in my store. It's more like it rotates. People whom are scheduled late or to closing will typically be on lanes closest to the exit. And early/mid shift people use the further down lanes. But there's no strict system. It's more in the hands of the GSTL to keep themselves organized.
We don't really have "assigned" ones but everyone seems to have their preferred ones and always goes for them. I don't really mind which I go to for the day, but I hate switching during my shift due to the intense fear of opening the register and seeing no change.
We don't really have "assigned" ones but everyone seems to have their preferred ones and always goes for them. I don't really mind which I go to for the day, but I hate switching during my shift due to the intense fear of opening the register and seeing no change.
Or when it looks like a small tornado went off in their drawer. Change everywhere, bills not faced...
We have one cashier that puts her change in all five slots, wherever she feels like. How does one cashier/hand out change when you can't just grab the coins from where they are "supposed" to be? She got better about it when I would make her straighten it out before she left, instead of leaving it for the GSA to straighten out when closing. But I was very thankful when she went back to school LOA so I don't have to deal with it anymore.
I have always known GSAs/GSTLs to just assign each cashier the lanes that are in view of and closest to Guest Service. The racetrack lanes are used for backup calls. The far end lanes are for training and ones next to cart well are for unofficial express transactions.

I think AP and cash office prefer that cashiers only stay on one lane that way they can easily track transactions of each cashier.

But if cashiers are complaining about not being on a specific lane, they need to get a life. Its a literal POS.
At My Store we assign Cashiers a register for their shift each day. We do this because our DTL likes to use a "W" like pattern where we would use both both rows of Registers with the one Directly in front of or behind it closed to make it easier for guests to flow through without having to squeeze around other guests. If The DTL ever comes in and we are not doing this without a good excuse, such as Broken Registers or its super busy and had to open extra registers beyond those in the formation, then its an automatic Corrective Action for the GSTL/GSA running the lanes. As a result we list list each cashiers assigned lane next to their breaks. Under no circumstances are the Cashiers in my District allowed to choose their on lane, If there isn't one listed on the break schedule they need to ask the GSTL/SA where they want them to go. Failure to do so results in a coaching.
At My Store we assign Cashiers a register for their shift each day. We do this because our DTL likes to use a "W" like pattern where we would use both both rows of Registers with the one Directly in front of or behind it closed to make it easier for guests to flow through without having to squeeze around other guests. If The DTL ever comes in and we are not doing this without a good excuse, such as Broken Registers or its super busy and had to open extra registers beyond those in the formation, then its an automatic Corrective Action for the GSTL/GSA running the lanes. As a result we list list each cashiers assigned lane next to their breaks. Under no circumstances are the Cashiers in my District allowed to choose their on lane, If there isn't one listed on the break schedule they need to ask the GSTL/SA where they want them to go. Failure to do so results in a coaching.

Petty very petty.
Or when it looks like a small tornado went off in their drawer. Change everywhere, bills not faced...
Ugh I hate that. One of the first things I do when I get on is clean the register. I make sure all the money is in its proper slot and the drawer where the coupons, gift cards, and ad and whatever else happens to be there is neat. I actually had a GSA tell me to not worry about that and just zone.

Lady I am zoning, zoning this mess of a register. You can't expect me to waste time digging around for money and gift cards when I can just grab and go because I took 5 minutes to clean up during down time instead of zoning.
Heck, I actually clean my lane. I wipe down the hand scanner, the bars to separate the orders, and the belt. I don't get paid enough to risk getting sick from touching germy equipment.
We don't have assigned lanes, thank God. We usually start on one lane and after coming back from break we give someone else their break by taking over their lane. Some people do have their favorites but I don't get it...
When I first start my shift I make sure I have receipt and catalina paper, bags stocked on the racks, gift cards, (hopefully) a fan because God forbid we should be comfortable up front where we usually stand in one spot forever...
GSA once had 2 lanes closet to the door open and then 2 race track lanes, plus express. It was one big cluster. I was told that to have 4 lanes in a row all open was too far away from guest service.
Oh, I'm sorry you spend soooo much time over there chatting it up while we work our asses off and wonder where the hell our "leader" is when we have a problem, need change and our light is blinking like crazy...???
They group all our cashiers in the middle so that back-up cashiers can jump on the outside lanes nearest them.
That sounds really stupid. The closest we get is when the GSAs/GSTLs let us pick a lane because nobody needs a break, but we're always jumping around. Too many broken registers and guests to deal with "assigned" registers.
I would actually love a W formation. It would be so much easier to pull people to a new lane when you go up for back up. Currently cashiers are usually on the back lanes. This forces backup to take people from the last cashier's lane to the next lane further out (easiest method) or they have to get a whole line of people to scoot back so that they can check out the next person in the backed up line...then people have to choose if they stay at the backed up register or just stay in your line now. Stacked lanes confuse people and without a GSTL/GSA speedweaving...things turn into a cluster fast. At least if you're in the W formation, backups can pull people to open lanes much easier. For most backed up stacked lanes in a W formation, the backup cashier could either pull people to the lane ahead of the cashier or to the lane next to the cashier thus avoiding all the scooting back.

Sorry if this post makes absolutely no sense. I'm a little out of it.
A former GSTL would assign us to specific lanes based on shift times and to avoid having the same cashiers on the express lanes every time. We would start at the even register closest to the doors and go down the line, then into the odd row (closer to the racetrack) if we had that many cashiers, and back-ups from the sales floor would use the odd lanes. Our DTL tried to push the W thing, but it just turns the entire front end into a huge clusterfuck, so we don't do it.
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