Auditing my own Department (WTF)

May 6, 2020
Apparently my department has the "highest backroom error rates in the district". Of course I was shown no data to corroborate this.

Before when pulling the "One for Ones (Manuals)" if you couldn't find a particular item in that location we used to hit "all items scanned". Obviously later on when did the audit it would show up as an error.

Now I am instructed to exit the the manuals, audit that location with the change it to the correct quantity (if any), then go back into the manual and continuing pulling. Therefore no error would be generated and things would look great.

IMHO I am auditing my own area just to make the numbers look good. It ignores who is making the errors (which might be me) and it isn't addressing the problem.

To me this is analogous to taking a test then eliminating the questions I know I got wrong to give me a better grade.

Now I am instructed to exit the the manuals, audit that location with the change it to the correct quantity (if any), then go back into the manual and continuing pulling. Therefore no error would be generated and things would look great.
This is what we do.
Really? So basically our store hasn't being following the correct procedures for well over a year. Hilarious.
Don’t get me wrong just because the stores has been instructed to do as such doesn’t mean we are in the right. All item scan is there for a reason which is to expose an error that a different team member created . What we do now is fix it before it gets created . Same with baffles and ghost . But that’s because the system is not as the old way when you actually created a baffle it use to go the the person who actually was in that location prior to you . The way this system is now it only shows that I exposed the error and goes to me as opposed to the person who actually did it.
I was all for ignoring this direction as well and continuing to click All Items Scanned, but then it was implied a CCA would result if TMs names kept showing up on the report.

At my store they only allow certain, trusted TMs to Audit locations. Everyone else has call a TL to correct it for them.
Actually proper procedure (best practices) is to hit all items scanned. If you were actually supposed to exit, audit, and reenter whenever that happened, the all items scanned button wouldn't exist. That's just management wanting metrics to falsely be green so they look good to those up above. I was told to do that all the time: always continued to hit all items scanned and never had any actual issue with it. What are they gonna do, write you up for actually following best practices?

This is, of course, assuming you actually scan everything - if you hit AIS but the item was actually there and simply missed, that's a different story.
Actually proper procedure (best practices) is to hit all items scanned. If you were actually supposed to exit, audit, and reenter whenever that happened, the all items scanned button wouldn't exist. That's just management wanting metrics to falsely be green so they look good to those up above. I was told to do that all the time: always continued to hit all items scanned and never had any actual issue with it. What are they gonna do, write you up for actually following best practices?

This is, of course, assuming you actually scan everything - if you hit AIS but the item was actually there and simply missed, that's a different story.
Yep, I know of a receiving TM that had an STL reprimand her, as she was following the best practice, rather than the way he wanted it done. I guess their conversation happened near the front lanes in front of a number of guests. One of the guests spoke up to ask what was going on and the STL told them to "move on, nothing happening here." I worked with the TM for over 25 years and respected her for the job well done, as she never took short cuts just to finish a task. I think she knew it might come back to bite her in the a**. Needless to say, the TM retired earlier than expected.
For as long as backroom location has been a metric, this has been the modus operandi.

The SLS is designed in a way that using the AIS button will correct issues on the fly and is meant to act as a means to identify trouble areas as well as increase efficiency.

Gaming that system isn't fixing your problem it's just artificially inflating your metrics. If your leadership were concerned with with the actual amount of errors they would take steps to root cause and fix it. They're interested in looking good on paper, thus you have arrived at your current instruction.

It's a big reason why I think metrics at the store level are idiotic, because shitty leaders lead to the metrics not to the process.

I was all for ignoring this direction as well and continuing to click All Items Scanned, but then it was implied a CCA would result if TMs names kept showing up on the report.

They can't write you up for using the AIS button. I'm not with Target anymore and haven't been in quite some time, but I imagine it's written in the best practice that it's supposed to be used.
i still hit all items scanned

i used to fix it before it started but yeah didnt stop people from making the mistakes

leadership ofc didnt try and follow up w the errors

so fuck em imma all items scanned til smth is done lol
For as long as backroom location has been a metric, this has been the modus operandi.

The SLS is designed in a way that using the AIS button will correct issues on the fly and is meant to act as a means to identify trouble areas as well as increase efficiency.

Gaming that system isn't fixing your problem it's just artificially inflating your metrics. If your leadership were concerned with with the actual amount of errors they would take steps to root cause and fix it. They're interested in looking good on paper, thus you have arrived at your current instruction.

It's a big reason why I think metrics at the store level are idiotic, because shitty leaders lead to the metrics not to the process.

They can't write you up for using the AIS button. I'm not with Target anymore and haven't been in quite some time, but I imagine it's written in the best practice that it's supposed to be used.

I've tried using the best practice argument before on other processes that weren't being done correctly. Was always told those were more of a guideline. I'm almost positive the direction to use Audit instead of AIS actually came from our district level and God forbid we challenge anything coming from there or above.
I've tried using the best practice argument before on other processes that weren't being done correctly. Was always told those were more of a guideline. I'm almost positive the direction to use Audit instead of AIS actually came from our district level and God forbid we challenge anything coming from there or above.

The one time I was ever written up in 12 years was for lighting up a DM after informing them that Best Practices were dumb and it was a dumb name. If they were truly the Best Practice, why would they ever change? Clearly it's the best, right there in the name, best practice.

From a process standpoint I do believe that. From a system standpoint (like the SLS) using it outside of it's intended design just makes the whole thing break. And the Target SLS system is honestly one of the best systems out there, it's so good it hasn't been fundamentally changed in over a decade precisely because it functions so well when being used correctly. When people start doing things like cheating the system to game BRLA or using EXFs to fill floor locations (though I understand there have been some changes made where you can one-off fill a location and update the floor qty) it causes a whole string of cascading failures. It's a system build on the integrity of those who use it, the integrity to accept what it tells you and take actions to root cause it and fix it, instead of just throwing a green blanket on it and telling everyone things are shiny.
at my store if a TM shows up on the AIS scanned report they will be having a coaching conversation. If it continues CCA failure to follow instruction. Needless to say no one ever shows up on the report anymore. Per all job descriptions it says "all other duties as assigned." I am asking you to not hit that button and to pretend it doesn't exist. We are fixing errors before they can be flagged as errors. If you have a problem with it please find somewhere else to work where you are willing to follow instructions. Our store stays @ 99% and above. #GoMetrics! Since when it is a team members job to be combative and be a board member of the metric ethics committee!!!?

If I came into work and my SD asked me to wash windows I will immediately find the nearest mop bucket/cleaning supplies and get to work. The message here is to just do what is asked of you. It's not your place to place judgement on what's asked just do it and there would be a lot less drama in the workplace.
at my store if a TM shows up on the AIS scanned report they will be having a coaching conversation. If it continues CCA failure to follow instruction. Needless to say no one ever shows up on the report anymore. Per all job descriptions it says "all other duties as assigned." I am asking you to not hit that button and to pretend it doesn't exist. We are fixing errors before they can be flagged as errors. If you have a problem with it please find somewhere else to work where you are willing to follow instructions. Our store stays @ 99% and above. #GoMetrics! Since when it is a team members job to be combative and be a board member of the metric ethics committee!!!?

If I came into work and my SD asked me to wash windows I will immediately find the nearest mop bucket/cleaning supplies and get to work. The message here is to just do what is asked of you. It's not your place to place judgement on what's asked just do it and there would be a lot less drama in the workplace.
And that's why people that can't actually lead end up in leadership positions in this company. You just "do as your told", your boss gets promoted, and promoted, etc because things "look" amazing. Then they actually get to the point to develop and institute their own policies that don't work and screw everyone in the stores over since they don't actually know how things properly will/could/should work. Just my opinion.

Preventing errors and correcting them by properly training before they even take place is what's needed and just "fixing them before they can be flagged as errors" aids in preventing that from happening.
Apparently my department has the "highest backroom error rates in the district". Of course I was shown no data to corroborate this.

Before when pulling the "One for Ones (Manuals)" if you couldn't find a particular item in that location we used to hit "all items scanned". Obviously later on when did the audit it would show up as an error.

Now I am instructed to exit the the manuals, audit that location with the change it to the correct quantity (if any), then go back into the manual and continuing pulling. Therefore no error would be generated and things would look great.

IMHO I am auditing my own area just to make the numbers look good. It ignores who is making the errors (which might be me) and it isn't addressing the problem.

To me this is analogous to taking a test then eliminating the questions I know I got wrong to give me a better grade.

You are in effect auditing your own area but it will still point to someone before you if you are changing the counts to make them correct. The only problem I have with a system like this is if on the one hand they want you to fix inventory and on the other hand they want the speed of picking to not go down at all when a simple audit trail will show that it went down because you had to fix inventory counts like they asked you to do. In other words, don't push my numbers on me when I am propping up your numbers while making my numbers. Good? Square? Even-steven? Quid pro status quo.
You are in effect auditing your own area but it will still point to someone before you if you are changing the counts to make them correct. The only problem I have with a system like this is if on the one hand they want you to fix inventory and on the other hand they want the speed of picking to not go down at all when a simple audit trail will show that it went down because you had to fix inventory counts like they asked you to do. In other words, don't push my numbers on me when I am propping up your numbers while making my numbers. Good? Square? Even-steven? Quid pro status quo.
Some valid points.

However my store never shares data on anything related to my work performance whether good or bad.

That is the general over-riding issue at my store is you never share metrics on anything even though you have them.
I've seen this a lot recently.
The process is supposed to show errors. That's why the process is there, so that you can identify issues to prevent them in the future.
By manipulating the process to hide errors, you lose the ability to prevent the errors in the first place. The goal should be to have an accurate backroom, but instead they're creating false records so that they look "green" on a report.
Falsifying company records should be an ethics violation.

It's an extra kick in the pants for me, because if the process was followed correctly, AP can use the reports to help find dishonest activity in the backroom. Hiding the mistakes is also potentially hiding theft.
Honestly, if you really wanted to use it to find problems, you still can. Instead of the AIS report, you can easily go into the backroom audits report and see who is auditing lots of locations and when.

You see that your paper DBO had to audit 5 locations on Tuesday? Ask them open ended questions about why and go from there. You can still fix the root of the problem that way
Actually proper procedure (best practices) is to hit all items scanned. If you were actually supposed to exit, audit, and reenter whenever that happened, the all items scanned button wouldn't exist. That's just management wanting metrics to falsely be green so they look good to those up above. I was told to do that all the time: always continued to hit all items scanned and never had any actual issue with it. What are they gonna do, write you up for actually following best practices?

This is, of course, assuming you actually scan everything - if you hit AIS but the item was actually there and simply missed, that's a different story.
This. If there's a problem, it needs to be uncovered and fixed or it'll just keep happening. And "fixing" it by way of that audit (which is really kind of a fake audit, seems to me) doesn't really fix anything. It just makes things look better on the surface.
Whenever I pull something, I try to be honest. If it wants me to pull three and there's only two, I select two and hit all items scanned. If it wants me to pull three and there should only be three there but there are more and it asks me did I pull them all, I will usually say yes and take the rest as well. If it wants me to pull something and there are none there, then nope, no items here bro. Not my fault people don't know how to backstock.
I do AIS, as I was trained to do. Nobody has told me otherwise. Now, I don't do a ton of pulls these days, so I don't often use it, but I'm on the "no way to fix problems nobody knows about" bandwagon. If I'm not backstocking or taking stuff properly, hell yeah tell me. I confess I do forget to take items sometimes, particularly things high up that need the Wave and I get distracted by having to go rustle up keys and get the damn Wave out and I forget. I usually end up remembering at some point and fixing it, but I'm sure not always (this is taking items that guests ask for, not from batches, obviously). I am good about fixing errors I notice--if I scan something in a location and it's not located there, I will locate it, and will "take" items that are supposed to be in a location but aren't outside of AIS, if I can, but I'm not going to slow myself down to cover someone else's mistakes.
They really need to get rid of the ability to see who did good All Items Scanned presses on Greenfield, and go back to not blaming the TM who found an error for creating it.
That’s how it’s always been. On the PDA it was an M delete location. Still blamed the TM who discovered it, nothing new. There’s nothing wrong with backing out and auditing instead of hitting all items scanned. Both have the same solution and fix the problem so why would you create an error at the same time?