Archived Backroom Detail Report Discrepancies

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Jul 24, 2017
Hello, I'm a GM TL and we recently discovered that looking at the backroom detail report under store apps shows a bunch of salvage, clearance, and na items in backroom locations. However, when we type those DPCIs in they have no br location with 0 on hand, 0 in store. I've checked those br locations too, nothing there. Is anyone else having these issues? Because these markdown items also aren't dropping into pc batches in the move app.
Hello, I'm a GM TL and we recently discovered that looking at the backroom detail report under store apps shows a bunch of salvage, clearance, and na items in backroom locations. However, when we type those DPCIs in they have no br location with 0 on hand, 0 in store. I've checked those br locations too, nothing there. Is anyone else having these issues? Because these markdown items also aren't dropping into pc batches in the move app.
You shouldn’t be using the store application . That moved to greenfield.
You shouldn’t be using the store application . That moved to greenfield.
I know, we do use greenfield, but the items in the store applications aren't showing up in greenfield, and some of that product actually is in the backroom.
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You shouldn’t be using the store application . That moved to greenfield.
I know, we do use greenfield, but the items in the store applications aren't showing up in greenfield, and some of that product actually is in the backroom.
My support it . When you go to greenfield to look at Backroom detail it says in red that there is a issues with it and they are working on it .
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