Archived Backroom pulling question

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Jun 16, 2011
I just have a quick question about pulling stuff from the backroom for POG's. My TL showed me how to for a few minutes the other day but recently when I was pulling the batches I came across something that I was unsure of. When pulling casepacks for SL and it says "pull 2" but only one casepack is on that shelf and it says "1 of 1" on the side of the box should I still enter in "2" or only "1"? Thanks!
I just have a quick question about pulling stuff from the backroom for POG's. My TL showed me how to for a few minutes the other day but recently when I was pulling the batches I came across something that I was unsure of. When pulling casepacks for SL and it says "pull 2" but only one casepack is on that shelf and it says "1 of 1" on the side of the box should I still enter in "2" or only "1"? Thanks!

You could... uh... look inside. However, it sounds like there is only 1 item, so I'm guessing the counts are off and you should enter 1. It won't make the ETL-LOG, or backroom TL happy as it'll mess with their scores (it's a ghost item), but it's good info to have.
Sorry I meant SL assortment boxes not casepacks. There are sometimes different items inside but it is still only one box and not multiple. I figured they were just ghosts but I wasn't sure since it was an assortment box and not a regular casepack. My TL told me that when it says "pull 2" to always just pull the DPCI that matches and for the amount always use the "1/x" or whatever it says as the amount.
This happens with almost every assortment casepack you pull, for softlines or anywhere really. The system always asks for more cases than the store will actually have located. That's because when assortment cases are backstocked, the system doesn't ask for a quantity, so it doesn't know how many physical boxes are actually there. Just key 1 (it's very rare that you'll have two of the same assortment dpci in the same location, it's happened to me once, pulling POGs for Bullseye Bodega. There were battery shippers that were the same dpci.)
Your Team Lead is correct. When I pull assortment cases I type in however many are on the shelf. So if it says pull 2 and there is only 1 on the shelf, I'll type in 1. There could be another location down the aisle with the same assortment box. Also, if you type in 2 and pull out only one box, it throws the counts off on the salesfloor. The system does not know how many of each assortment box is located in each location. If you ever backstocked an assortment box it doesn't ask you for the amount you backstocked.

A ghost is an item/box that is supposed to be on the shelf, but not physically there. If you scan the location and then scan every bar code in that location and the PDA doesn't tell you to pull anything then you have a ghost.
By the way, if you ever wonder what the second number of the vcp/ssp numbers, it's the smallest quantity a store can receive at once. So if you see a case with a number like 12/3, it means that there are twelve eaches in the box, and that the box contains smaller cases of three eaches. If a store doesn't need the whole carton, they'll get one or two of the smaller 3-each cases in a repack on their truck!

VCP - Vendor Case Pack
SSP - Store Ship Pack
Honestly this question made me shudder, I can just see my BRLA dropping as he types it. My advice see ETL-LOG or TL-LOG and get backroom certified. Target is supposed to have a "closed Backroom" for a reason.

I'm not gonna lie when I was a newbie Electronics Tm i would just walk back there and grab stuff off the shelf, I had no idea everything was located back there.. lol
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