Archived Backroom question

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Jun 3, 2012
So when I arrive at 7AM, there is plenty of backstocking going on. Some days, the backstock is really heavy and we don't stop backstocking until around 11AM. My question is, why does everything we backstock get asked for in the 12 o'clock autofills? Everything was pushed, checked the ties, the merchandise simply doesn't fit on the floor. This happens all the time? We usually end up burning a lot of batches. Anybody else have this problem?
Do a search on here for "subt 999" and "accumulator".
Totally feel you on this one. I wish there was a B function when we do
CAF pulls that would activate a burn batch function and it would just delete the entire batch.
Damn. We "backstock" (called Binning at wally world) at around 5/5:30/6am and get done around an hour later. Expect grocery. They always seem to struggle. :spiteful:
Do a search on here for "subt 999" and "accumulator".

we have tried the subt thing so many times in our backroom and it simply does not work for us. To the OP yes it happens at my store all time. I wish they would share some of the load from the 12s to the 11s.
I've typed up too many long responses to this in the past and given too many detailed explanations to people at the store for everyone to just say "oh ok" and then blow it off, so I'll give the abbreviated version this time.

Long story short, the part of the system that keeps track of how much of everything gets sold (the "Accumulator") gets out of whack sometimes. Various reasons, various ways. Complicated (at least to simpler people). So eventually you get to a point where it wants more than will fit. So what you do is "reset the accumulator". You do this by "SUBT-9999" (this documentation can be found on Workbench - it's an official process). To do this, start of by backstocking as normal. Then, right away, do a guest pull (SUBT) on it. Put 9999 as the quantity. When it asks if you pulled it all, say no. It will ask you for how many are left. Obviously, you put how many you just STOed there. That's all. You have to make sure that you select "1. Guest Request" and not "2. Outdated/Damage." This is important. Option 1 affects the accumulator. Option 2 does not. Option 2 is useful for small moves that don't require a full LOCU.

To make the process faster, you can skip doing the SUBT-9999 process on items you are backstocking that already have locations in the stockroom. 95% of the time, it won't be asking for that item if you backstock it right now, because, obviously, it already has locations. If it wanted it, it would have asked for it already. Not 100%, but 95% of the time it does save you some time.
If subt 999 isn't working for you, it could be a few different things. You sales floor compactly could be all messed up. So, if your compactly can only fit 6, but when you shoot it in item search it says 24, this could result in continual pulling. That can only be resolved through Mysupport. You also may have flex end caps or areas/aisles that are not tied or, or the tie may have broken. If that's the case, you will continue to sell the product, and it will continue to pull, but when you scan to push the product to the floor that you just pulled, it will only read the home location because it's flexed elsewhere. That can be resolved through the str-tie function.
So when I arrive at 7AM, there is plenty of backstocking going on. Some days, the backstock is really heavy and we don't stop backstocking until around 11AM. My question is, why does everything we backstock get asked for in the 12 o'clock autofills? Everything was pushed, checked the ties, the merchandise simply doesn't fit on the floor. This happens all the time? We usually end up burning a lot of batches. Anybody else have this problem?

I think everyone is nailing it on the head with Subt999... but my followup question that I have NEVER understood is this... If the accumulator is out of whack because of no subt9999 and the noons are crazy, why the heck are the 11's normal? Every store I have been in has unusually huge noons that won't fit on the salesfloor, and if it was from a bunch of truck and plano backstock getting done o/n or early that morning, why are the 11's not affected and the noons so terribly out of balance? It should be the 11's that are changed the most if that were the case... just saying!
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